Chapter 34

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Ethan left the hospital a few days later, perfectly healthy, and ready to go back to his old life. All of his old friends couldn't wait to see him again. Mom is throwing a get together tonight celebrate his return. Six years is a long time. None of us expected to see him ever again. Most people said they thought he was dead. Now here he is, the guest of honor at his own Welcome Home party.

    When we return home, Ethan looks hesitant. It's just the two of us in my Lamborghini but sitting in our driveway is cars belonging to all of our friends and family. No one had been able to visit in the hospital; now anyone can visit. I grab Ethan's had and he turns to look at me. His eyes look truly terrified.

"Ethan, what's wrong?" I ask softly.

His eyes dart away from mine before looking at me again. "When they took me six years ago, they had every intension of killing me." He tells me, his eyes never quiet meeting mine. "However, his wife took a liking to me and convinced the big boss to let her raise me as her soon."

My hand tightens around his at the mention of those terrible people.

"I got to live but I didn't have a life Lynn." He tells me brokenly. "I was kept locked away in the basement, never allowed to see anyone."

"In six years the only person I ever saw was boss's wife, Linda. She was good to me. She's the one who snuck me out." He seems to be getting more confident. "When I turned fifteen boss started trying to get me to join his gang. He would beat me and force me to do drugs."

"No!" my hand flew to my mouth.

"The night I got out, I had overdosed. Linda found me half dead in the basement and rushed me to the hospital. She told them who I was. She told them to get the police. She wanted them to do whatever they could to save me. When I woke up the nurse told me what happened and said she had been arrested. Then she said I would be transferred down here. Next thing you know I see my big sister Lynn running through the door looking wild as ever." He smiles weakly.

Tears run down my face. "I'm so sorry E." I grab him and pull him close to me.

"Awe, don't cry Lynn." He comforts me. "I got the doctors to use a detox thing, so I have no addiction to drugs or trace of any in my body; we are safe now."

I wipe at my eyes. "Ready to go in?"

Ethan nods hesitantly. "Don't go far okay?"

"I won't." I smile. After all he's my baby brother and I swore to protect him. This time I'll do a better job.


"ETHAN!" A redheaded by came flying at us as soon as we walked through the door.

"Scotty?" Ethan says hesitantly.

He nods excitedly. "YES, ITS ME!" he shouts joyously. Scotty is one of the two redheaded twins that were Ethan's best friends in school. Unlike yelling Scotty, Scarlett had always been quiet and reserved. That's probably why we didn't notice her walk up.

In the middle of a great big bear hug from Scotty, Ethan spots quiet Scarlett who has matured greatly. The once scrawny girl now had full curves. Her voluptuous breast were hardly concealed by the modest neckline of her dress. Ethan's eyes nearly pop out of his head as he stares at his childhood friend.

Poor Scarlett seems to be equally shocked about seeing the grown-up version of my brother. Her cheeks are as flaming red as her hair. Her green eyes are as wide as saucers and she can't seem to find her voice. Finally, Scotty pulls away from my brother and breaks the staring match.

"Hey, Ethan." Scarlett says shyly. "I've missed you."

"I missed you too, Scarlett." Ethan gives her a quick side hug and they both blush.

Scotty facepalms and I giggle. Clearly someone is unhappy about the sparks flying between the two. He immediately hops between the two and starts telling jokes. Soon all three are laughing and I'm left smiling like a momma duck watching her babies. I haven't seen Scott and Scarlett in almost as long as I hadn't seen Ethan. The three were nearly inseparable as kids. The twins used to be our next-door neighbors and would come over everyday for a month after he was kidnapped to see if he had been found. At least, that's what Papa said.

I spend the rest of the afternoon saving Ethan from over zealous well-wishers, crying family members, and a very nosy reporter. It seems like forever before the crowd clears out. Poor Ethan is visibly distressed by the overwhelming attention he has been getting. Scarlett has stuck by his side almost as closely as I have all day. She seems terrified to let him out of her sight. Scotty, on the other hand, has bounced all over the house, unable to stand in one place for long. I get the feeling that Ethan and Scarlett will be much better friends than Ethan and Scotty, especially when I see the two sitting close on the couch.

"Remember that time in, what? Second grade? When you asked me out on the carousel?" Ethan nudges Scarlett's arm playfully. The poor girl turns red as a firetruck for the millionth time.

"Of course, I remember." She giggles. "I remember you telling me that one day when we were grownups you would marry me."

Ethan doesn't blush, instead he stares intently into her eyes. "I knew what I wanted."

"And now?" She asks breathlessly.

He pushes her hair back from her face. "You're just like I remember." He tells her so quietly I almost can't hear him. "Beautiful."

She smiles sweetly looking down. "I was so scared that I would never see you again."

He tilts her chin up. "I thought about you all the time and there's something I swore I would do if I got the chance." Then he leans down and kisses her.

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