Chapter 29

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"Mom, dad, can we talk?" I ask entering their room where they are both getting ready for bed. "It's important."

"Come in and make it quick." Mom says briskly. "I had a long day."

"This shouldn't take long." I tell her, fidgeting with my shirt hem. "I know I've moved schools a lot the past few years but with your permission I want to make one final move," I take a deep breath, "I want to be homeschooled."

"What?" my mom cries out. "But it's already November. You are halfway through the year!"

"Hear her out." Dad says gruffly.

"You see, I just don't like going to school mom. It's awful. I'm miserable every day, the teachers are terrible. I hate it." I tell her honestly. "But if I'm homeschooled you don't have to worry about me getting kicked out and I've already talked it over with the guidance counselor. She says I can remain a student at the school and just do all my work online. I can still go to prom and graduation and all like normal. I just need you and dad to sign saying it's okay."

"I'll stop by the school and sign it tomorrow. Goodnight." Dad says climbing into bed.

"Scott, you can't possibly be serious." Mom exclaims.

"Thanks dad! You won't regret this!" I say quickly before leaving the room.

The Secret Life Blog

Updated 10:11 p.m.

Dear Mr. Know-It-All,

The plan is off. You aren't worth my time and besides, for the first time in my life, I'm truly in love. I will not ruin my happiness nor will I let you ruin it. Looks like you "Win" by default.

            All the best,

            The Bad Girl

I hit post on the new update and shut my laptop. Any minute now Caleb is supposed to facetime me. I wait impatiently for seven full minutes before my phone finally rings. I answer immediately.

His face appears, hair messy and headphones in. "What took you so long?" I pout.

He chuckles. "Sorry hot stuff, Mikey turned into gossip girl the moment I mentioned you and I had to literally kick him out of the house and lock the door. He- "Caleb stops talking abruptly and looks towards the window. His brow furrowed in confusion.

"What is it?" I ask, a small smile gracing my lips. My heart flutters as I watch his face light up in amusement.

"He's throwing rocks at my window." Caleb laughs. He gets up flashing me a look at his perfectly chiseled and shirtless chest. "You got to see this." He points the camera out the window where I can see a shadowy figure on the lawn.

"Bromeo o bromeo. Why fore hath though forsaken me, bromeo?" Mikey quotes his own version of Romeo and Juliet. "I love you but no homeo, Bromeo."

"Shut up or I'm turning on the sprinklers!" Caleb calls down to him.

I giggle uncontrollably. "Tell him to go so I can have my turn with you."

"Go away I wanna talk to my girl!" Caleb closes the window and looks back at me. "Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?"

I blush. "No, I don't. I look like a mess." It's true. My hairs a frizzed-up mess, I'm not wearing any makeup, and I'm in one of Logan's old auburn t-shirts. "You look sexy."

"Baby, you look great. Like it's unfair to every other girl who good you look right now." He tells me seriously.

I smile, completely and utterly happy. "Well thank you," I say genuinely. "Oh! I almost forgot to tell you!"

"What is it?" he asks casually putting his arm behind his head and causing his muscles to flex.

"I..." I'm momentarily distracted by his muscles. "Um, I talked to my parents and they are going to let me homeschool!" I exclaim excitedly.

"Really?" He grins. "That's great baby!"

"Yep." I smile. "I just have to make it the rest of the week with professor Jackass and try to avoid all of the passes he makes at me."

Caleb's eyes darken. "Let me fight him. I'll teach him to never touch my woman again." He says heatedly. "And that Thomas fellow just stood out in the hall not doing anything. I'll fight him too!"

I snort. "Caleb, I love you but you're stupid."

"Excuse me." He says offended.

I ignore him and continue. "If you get into trouble then you'll get kicked off the football team and risk losing your scholarships. I could never let that happen."

He pouts. "But you're my girl. I can just sit around and let people mistreat you." He looks genuinely upset and absolutely adorable.

"Stop making that face, its adorable and I'm trying to be stern." I say covering my eyes with my hand. "No fighting and that's final."

"Fine." He concedes with a sigh. "But only because I love you."

I peak at him between my fingers and he winks at me. I giggle and blush. We spend a while talking until I fall asleep on him. The next morning, I wake up to a text from him.

Hey hot stuff. You fell asleep on me last night! It's okay though because at least I got to see your beautiful face. Have a great day sleepy girl 😘😘

"Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh!" I squeal. Could he be any cuter?

I take a deep breath before responding.

Hey, sorry for falling asleep on you. Call me after school today?

Almost immediately after I send the message, little bubbles pop up to say he's typing.

I have football practice after school but by the time you get up from your nap I'll be all yours😊😘

I squeal.

Sounds good to me 😘😘

I lock my phone and quickly take a shower. Today is my last day of school which means I've got to look drop dead gorgeous. I need to leave a lasting impression. The next time I see some of these people will be prom or graduation. It's time to turn my pretty up to a ten.

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