Chapter 30

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Dressed in leggings, a sweater, and some killer boots, I enter Kentworth high for my last day of class. I am practically giddy as I skip to class. I feel like Rapunzel when she left the tower for the first time with Flynn Rider. "I am never going baaaack!" My mind sings.

"Someone's in a good mood." Jordan smirks as I throw everything I own into my locker.

"Yes, yes, yes!" I exclaim wrapping him in a big hug. "My last day here! I am never coming back!" I take off down the hall practically skipping.

"Wait, what?" Jordan calls after me, but I ignore him. I can't wait to see the look on Michaels face when I tell him I am never coming back!

"Hey, Jay, can we talk?" Thomas asks as I enter the class.

"No, we can't." I say turning my nose up at him.

"Come on, Jay," he pleads. "You've been ignoring my messages, you didn't answer when I called, you killed the snapchat streak. I don't even know what I did wrong."

I narrow my eyes at him. "You stood right there outside that door knowing exactly what was happening and you didn't even try to help me." I say flinging my arm out towards the door, my other hand on my hip. "We are not friends. Friends don't do that. As far as I'm concerned you are nothing to me." I shrug.

His eyes narrow angrily. "Really now?" he grabs my upper arm and pulls me close to him. My eyes widen in fright. "The bets over when I say it is, bad girl. And not a minute before."

He releases me, and I just stare open mouthed. He knows about my blog. He knows that he's the guy in my bet. He knows. In that moment I start to realize how much I don't know about Thomas. Michael comes in as the bell rings and starts class. I ignore every word he says and write Caleb's name on my paper and draw hearts around it. I wish the academy wasn't so strict about phones. I can't talk to him all day until after he gets done with football practice tonight. I wish I could talk to him right now.

"Miss Reynolds, are you still with us or has your spirit transcended and left your body behind?" Michael asks in exasperation.

"Yes, Michael, I'm still here in body and soul." I say condescendingly.

He gives me a sharp look. "I am Mr. Dempsey to you. I am your teacher and you will address me with respect."

I laugh. "I lost all respect for you three years ago when you cheated on me, Michael." I put extra emphasis on his name. The class gasps. No doubt everyone in school will know the juicy little tidbit by lunch.

"Detention after school." he says throw clinched teeth.

"Awe," I coo. "Are you getting mad? Have you forgotten that I know things that could easily get you fired? You poor thing. I'm untouchable. You can't get to me because you taught me all your tricks. I know how to ruin you." I stare him directly in the eyes. "You can't win this game."

His face turns red with rage. "You little- "he stops and takes a deep breath, he continues teaching the lesson and ignores me entirely. Now, however, he's lost everyone's attention. I cross my arms and sit back in my seat watching as he gets increasingly more frustrated before he gives up completely. When the bell rings I'm the first one out the door, I toss a cheeky grin and a wave over my shoulder before leaving. I have never felt such excitement on a Monday ever.

Somehow, I make it to lunch without any problems. Nothing could have prepared me for the tantrum I faced at the lunch table.

"No!" Jordan pounds his fist on the table.

"Jordan stop being a baby." Logan says.

He pounds the table again. "Jay, you can't leave!"

"I can and I am." I tell him seriously. It's hard to keep a straight face when he's acting like a child.

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