Chapter 4

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Like I said, I was nervous. 

"Truth or dare Rae?" Liam asked very sincerely.

"Ummm I'm feeling risky so dare," I say confidently (even though I was nervous)

"Hmmm....," Liam said, thinking about how he would torture me, "I dare you to kiss Harry!"

"No!" Louis yelled, "He's mine!" 

"What if I kiss him on the cheek Lou, like a cousin would?" I asked.shocked at the outburst.

"Fine," Louis said, calming down. I went over and I kissed Harry on the cheek, just like I promised, and sat back down.

"Now it's your turn to ask someone,Rae," Niall said surprisingly happy. 

"Hmmmm... Who should I ask??? Hmmm"

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