Chapter 9

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So much traffic. It took me 45 minutes just to get to the hotel so of course, I was late. I texted Louis to tell him I was there saying:

     "Hey I'm downstairs. There was so much traffic. What floor are you guys on?" Louis didn't answer so I was standing in the lobby for 5 minutes until I got hugged from behind. Of course, I didn't know who it was so I elbowed him in the thigh and heard Harry say:

    "Ow Rae, what was that for??"

      "Oh my god Harry I'm so sorry, that was reflex!" I say while turning around. I hugged him, looked up at him and pouted. "Forgive me? And please don't tell Louis cuz he'll kill me."

     "Its fine" Harry laughed. "And we wouldn't be able to collab if Louis killed you. Can we go upstairs now or are you gonna break my nose too??"

      "Ok, let's go upstairs," I say while still feeling awful, "I'm so sorry."

     "Seriously its fine but you are gonna explain it to Louis." 

       "Oh god I'm doomed," I say with a sarcastic laugh. Harry and I get into the elevator and go up to the 7th floor.

      "I found her!" Harry yells while we walk into the huge hotel room. 

       "Don't come into my room guys, I'm still getting dressed," Liam yells. Louis then walks into the room and I start off with:

   "Sorry Lou."

   "Sorry for what?" Louis asks, looking confused.

    "In the lobby, Harry walked up and hugged me from behind and my reflexes kicked in and I kinda sorta maybe elbowed Harry in the thigh," I rushed through that last part. Louis started laughing saying:

     "Why are you apologizing to me?? It's Harry's thigh," 

      "He told me you'd be pissed cuz I elbow really hard so I might have bruised him...." I say while looking back and forth between them.

      "It's fine Rae, I do that to him all the time, and so does Niall," Louis says and we all start laughing. Our laughing gets interrupted when Liam walks out of his room and looks right at me.

     "Wow Rae, you look good," Liam says while kinda checking me out.

      "Thanks but I know I look better in my guitar center tee shirt," I say sarcastically, "wait where's Niall?"

       "He's sleeping in his room, you can go wake him up if you want," Harry says pointing to his room.

        "Thanks," I say while picking up my guitar case (I had it in my trunk but took it with me), "but just in case, Liam?? Can you come with me and just make sure he's not sleeping naked for me please?" 

    "Yeah sure." 

Liam and I head into Niall's room and while I set up he checks for me.

      "All set. Play away," Liam says while looking extremely excited to hear me sing.

    "🎵 You're the reason for the tear drops on my guitar...." I sing the whole song until Niall wakes up. "Good morning sunshine."

    "Huh? Oh hey Rae, hey Liam," Niall says groggily. "I'll be out there in 2 minutes, I gotta get dressed." Liam and I walk out of Niall's room and back into the main room. Louis and Harry just look at us and say

   "Ship it."

(-Authors note: Thanks so much for reading my story y'all!! I hope you like it!! Be prepared... That's all I'm gonna say-)

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