Chapter 25

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Liam walked onstage and all the girls in the audience freaked out. Half of the guys did too, which I thought was amazing. "So for all of you that don't know who this is," I began to say but some boy interrupted me saying

"Everyone knows that is Liam Payne and we love him!"

 "Whoever you are who just said that," I began again, "you are freaking awesome! Yes, this is Liam Payne, from One Direction. I brought him here today because we wanted y'all to be the first ones to know that Liam and I are dating." The crowd of middle schoolers erupted in applause and 'awwws'. 

"Awww that is so cute!" my band teacher said, "anyways, can you talk a little bit about what it is like to magically be famous now?"

"Well, to be honest, I really do not like the word famous. It makes people feel like those who are 'famous' are so perfect but in reality, I'm the same girl I was 4 days ago, I'm the same girl I was when I went here. It is so weird to be in the public eye now and to be able to tour with the guys, but you know, they're just normal people too. Like a couple days ago, Harry accidentally broke my nose because he opened the door really fast and this guy right here (Liam) has an adorable sneeze but he still sneezes!" I reply as the girls in the front row are becoming kinda anxious.

 "Wow. Well we are going to open it up for audience questions now," my band teacher says, "you can pick who goes first."

 I get up and Liam gets up too(to my band teacher's surprise), and I take the microphone and walk off the stage saying, "If you have a question, raise your hand. I will try to get to all of you and don't be afraid to ask for hugs. Say your name before you ask your question." 

We walk up to the first boy and he says, "Hi, I'm Aidan and my question is which one of the guys did you meet first? and also, can I have a hug?" 

 "Well hi Aidan, I actually met all four of the guys at the same time and of course you can get hugs." Liam and I both hugged him and he told me while I was hugging him that I inspired him, then I hugged him tighter. Liam and I answered all of the kid's questions and then we went into my old band room. "This is where it started for me babe," I said as tears filled my eyes, "This room is where I wrote a lot of songs, played a lot of band pieces, and realized my love for music." I sat down in the percussion area as tears went down my face.

 "Is something wrong babe?" Liam asked and I shook my head.

   "All of those kids said something nice to me, I finally made it," I said. we had to leave the school and go back to the hotel. In the car, Liam told me

   "Babe, I'm sorry but you didn't make it yet, this is nothing. Once we go on tour, you'll really make it, I promise," He kissed me on the head and I fell asleep on his shoulder in the back of the 'security car'

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