Chapter 39

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The next 2 days were unbelievably crazy; set up, practices, fittings, but the hardest part was keeping Harry and Louis away from each other but somehow, Liam and I found a way to.
I don't remember every little detail about the wedding (I wish I did) but I remember one thing: Harry and Louis smiled brighter then I had ever seen before and that was beautiful. I remember walking down the aisle with Lima and after every thing was all set and done and we were the only ones left cleaning, we had a jelly bean war across the reception hall. I won (obviously), then we finished cleaning up and we slept in the tent outside of the bus again because Harry and Louis had already started their honeymoon on the bus.
The next event after the wedding was Louis birthday and surprisingly, only Hazza and I got him presents. No one told me that we weren't supposed to get each other birthday presents anymore (oops). The next day was Christmas. I got Lima a brand new baseball hat (Boston Red Sox of course), Niall a glow in the dark bracelet that said "bro" and I had a matching one that said "sis", Harry a book on 100 braid techniques, and Louis an soccer jersey signed by Messi (I know Messi isn't his favorite but it's a collector's item none the less). I still have what everyone got me: a beautiful necklace from Liam, an "I'm officially Irish" T-shirt from Niall, a 200 dollar gift card to a bridal shop from Harry, and a framed fan edited picture of Liam and I from Louis. Trust me, I cried a lot that month and I wanted to just hug everyone at once (so I did). Wait, I forgot someone important. I mailed Ethan a framed picture of us that I had since we were about 8 and he sent me the new Hunter Hayes album, inside there was a note that said:
You may be getting married soon but I will always protect you
You may have found a man (and I may be gay) but I'll always love you the same
You may call me bro and I may call you sis but I wanna say
Thank you for being my best friend.
I called him as soon as I read that and we talked for 3 hours and I cried a lot. Then the guys and I went out for a while and Lima got drunk. We came home and he kissed me so passionately that I didn't wanna let go, so I didn't. We didn't really do anything else but we fell asleep on Liam's bunk in each other's arms.

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