Chapter 20

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(I forgot to mention that they didn't have us change our hair. )

      I turn around and there's Harry, wearing the exact same thing as I am, again. I start to laugh, saying "well I guess we just can't wear the same colored tee shirts or else the fans will go crazy, can we show each other our outfits for tomorrow?" 

     "Yeah babe, good idea. Let's make sure you guys won't be twinning again," Liam said while laughing. We all go back into our rooms and change. Surprisingly, I am done first so I get to wait for the guys for a change. Liam comes out of his room first and both of our jaws drop. "Oh my goodness Rae, you look amazing!" Liam says.

    "You look better though, this outfit really brings out your eyes," I said and Liam shook his head like he was trying not to stare for too long. Harry and Louis then walk out and they look really amazing also. But Harry is wearing a shirt that is the same color as my dress. "Harry seriously? Do you like my style or something?" We all laugh then go back to the rooms and keep trying on outfits for interviews to come. 

     "Ok, now we need to go practice incorporating Rae into all of our songs," Niall said and I was so shocked,

    "All of them?" I asked and Harry responded with

     "Yeah all of them. We always have our guests be involved in the whole show."

      "Wow that's really cool, thanks guys. What song are we opening with?" I asked still in disbelief


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