Chapter 16

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 "No way you are spending your 18th birthday alone;" Harry says and Liam continues with, "We have an interview at 9:00 am and we'd like you to come with us;" I know there is gonna be trouble when Niall picks up with, "If you are willing to go on tour with us, we are announcing the tour then and you'll be able to announce that you and Liam are dating."

 "Oh My God guys, of course I will; but wait, won't the fans think I am a little young for you Liam?" I asked happy and concerned.

    "Well we haven't thought of that yet;" Louis adds in "So maybe you won't be able to announce that but you are 100% sure you want to go on tour with us right?"

    "No, I'm 150% sure! Oh wait; my mom is calling, I'll be right back." I answer the phone as I walk out of the room, "Hey mom."

    "Hey honey, how is the nose?"

    "It's fine mom, it doesn't even look like I have a black eye, can I ask you something?"

    "Yeah of course honey," my mom said kinda concerned,

    "The guys asked me to go on tour with them, can I go?"

    "Hmm... you can go if one of the guy's sisters is there, and I have to meet them," my mom says like she was expecting me to ask.

   "Thank you Mom! I'll be home very soon, I just have to let the guys know and then have them decide which sister is gonna come with us, I love you bye!"

   "Love you bye." My mom hung up and I went back into the room with the guys. 

    "She said Yes!!!!!!!" I practically yelled with joy, "But, she has one condition,"

     "What is it love?" Liam asked and my heart practically melted

     "Well, one of your sisters has to be there too and she has to meet them, so who's sister is it gonna be?" 

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