Chapter 8

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Harry doesn't answer. I fall asleep waiting and I wake up at 7 am to my phone ringing. I yawn then I pick up my phone.

"Hello?" I say very tiredly, not knowing who I'm talking to.

"Oh sorry love did we wake you up?" Louis says and I sit up really quickly.

"Yeah kinda but that's fine, what's up" I say, now more awake.

"Harry's phone died after you sent him your rap. We just found a charger. Great job by the way, that will be a great base for a song."

"Thanks Lou! So what's on the agenda for y'all today?" I say very excited

"Actually nothing. Why don't you come up to the hotel so we can work on the song, unless you need a little more sleep." I heard a ton of whispering in the background and I didn't know if I was  going crazy or not so I responded with;

"Yeah I can come up, are you with the guys or is my brain just hearing whispers?"

"Guys, shut up jeez! Rae can hear you!" Louis says obviously talking to the guys. "Ok, we'll see you in like an hour, or would it be longer?"

"See y'all in an hour! Bye!"

 We both hang up and I jump out of bed. Luckily it was a Saturday and I had just gotten out of school for the summer so I didn't have to worry about any other plans. I go to my closet and pick out my blue sundress and my jean jacket. I take a 20 minute shower, get dressed and curl my hair then I go downstairs. I say good morning to my mom and then she stops me.

"2 things. 1. Why are you up so early on a Saturday and 2. Why are you dressed so nice?"

"Louis asked me to go down to the hotel and songwrite with them, so I'm gonna get some milk then go." I say while my mom is laughing like crazy.

"What?" Then my mom turns me around and there is my dog wearing my converse. I start laughing but take my dog out of my shoes, after taking a picture of course, and get some milk in my to go cup. I put on my converse and say "Bye mom, I'll be home before midnight!!" Then I walk out the door.

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