Chapter 37

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(An; Just to update time... Harry and Louis got drunk in December and it is December now)

I walked onto the bus and no one was there; I could've sworn that the guys didn't have an interview. Just then my phone rang:
Hello? I asked and Liam responded with
Hey babe, can you come outside and to the other side of the bus for a minute? I need help carrying some stuff...
Yeah sure Lima I'll be right there
I hung up the phone and ran outside, on the other side of the bus was a tent with a sign that said please knock before you enter. I knocked on the sign and Liam said I could come in.
"Happy 6 months love!" Liam said while handing me a present,
"Thank you!" I replied, "your present is on the bus, I'm gonna go get it, be right back." I ran onto the bus and grabbed his present, wrapped up in a cute little sleeve thing. I went back to the tent and handed it to him, then we opened our presents.
"Lima!" I started, "this necklace is gorgeous, thank you so much!!"
"Wow babe, a hand made pair of promise rings, I love them!" Liam said with his eyes lit up like a child's.
We sat in the tent and watched movies for the rest of the day and before we left to grab dinner he stopped me.
"Yeah babe?"
"Will you... Um.. Will you marry me?" I turned around and Liam was on one knee with a diamond ring.
"Of course I will baby!" I said as I gave him a kiss. Liam slipped the ring on my finger and we went to dinner.

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