Chapter 14

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"OW!" I yell clutching my nose, while blood is pouring out, "I think my nose is broken!"

   "Oh my gosh, Rae I am so sorry," Harry said while helping me up.

   "It's fine... Niall can you go get me some paper towels or something please?? We might have to go to the hospital so they can set it."

    "I feel so bad, can I at least drive you to the hospital?" Harry asks while practically crying.

     "No dude, my girl, I drive," Liam pipes in being very protective.

     "Well whoever doesn't drive me is gonna have to come and call my mom using my phone," I say so they will stop bickering "So Harry, you can call my mom, okay?"

    "Ok let's go... Niall, Louis, you can follow us in Louis' car," Harry says while I put the paper towels into my nose. Harry, Liam, and I get into my car with Liam in the drivers seat and Harry in the back. I unlock my phone, dial my mom's number and hand the phone to Harry.

   "Hi Mrs. Rae's mom its Harry, we have a little bit of a problem. We went to Olive garden and Rae was coming up to the door and I opened it really quickly and it hit her in the face and broke her nose," Harry rushed through that part," we are on our way to the hospital if you'd like to meet us there." My mom says something before Harry says "ok I will tell her. Thank you for not killing me through the phone, yep bye." Harry hangs up while I start laughing.

    "Really dude, she wouldn't have killed you through the phone, calm down." I say still laughing.

   "She told me to tell you that she can't come because she is already on the road and she said that she loves you," Harry said while we turned into the hospital. We walk into the emergency room and I walk up to the desk.

   "Hi, I broke my nose and I just need a doctor to set it?" I say while looking at the receptionist.

   "Room 3 please, you can bring them with you," the receptionist says looking at the guys.

    "Okay thank you," I say while motioning to the guys. We walk to room 3 and I sit down on the bed while the guys sit on the 2 chairs in the room; Harry sitting on Louis and Liam sitting on Niall. The doctor walked in to the room and set my nose very quickly while laughing at the guys. 

   "Well since all we needed to give you was some medical tape, you really don't owe us anything but.... My daughter is a big fan of the guys so can I get a picture and an autograph with them?" I start to laugh

  "Of course, thank you for fixing my face," I said. The doctor took the picture with the guys and got an autograph from each of them then we left. 

     "Wait a minute," I say when we get into the car, "isn't it weird that Harry was afraid that I was gonna break his nose this morning??" We all started to laugh.

     "Can we get food now?" Niall asked and we went to McDonald's.

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