Chapter 18

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We all pile into the cars and go to my house. Ethan beat us there of course (he only lives like down the street) so he is sitting in the kitchen casually talking to my mom when we walk in.

      "Hey guys, hey Rae. I already told your mom and she said that she is fine with it so we are all set!" Ethan said excitedly.

     "Cmon dude, I was supposed to tell her..." I say kinda sad, "but I do have something else to tell you, well actually a couple things."

    "Oh god what is it?" My mom asks kinda sarcastically

    "Well first and more important," I say while motioning to Liam, "Liam and I are dating"

     "What?? But you only met him yesterday... Well I guess it is up to you since you'll be 18 in a couple of days... But Liam, come here," my mom says and Liam seems scared but he walks over to her, "She is all I have, okay? So if you break her heart, I will break your face understand?"

    "Yes, I understand that. I have broken plenty of faces for Gemma and Lottie so I get it." Liam says confidently but I can see he is scared out of his mind. Harry steps in and says,

    "I'm really sorry about Rae's nose, please don't kill me..."

    "Harry, if she hasn't killed you herself then she's fine. Rae what was the other thing?" My mom seemed to calm Harry down a lot when she said that.

     "Well, the guys are announcing the tour at an interview on my birthday and they wanted me to come too. Can I or are we gonna go visit dad?"

     "Honey of course you can go! I mean you are going on tour with them so it only makes sense. Your dad and I agreed a long time ago that it is your decision when you want to see him not mine okay?"

    "Yeah. Maybe I'll visit him after the interview so he can meet Liam. Guys I'm in charge of making dinner tonight, do you want to stay?"

     "Well I know Lou-bear and I have some planning to do so we really have to go but I mean Niall and Liam can stay if they want." Harry says as Louis nods,

    "I can stay but Niall has to go... Um... Help Louis and Harry with the planning...." Liam says as Niall interjects

     "I do??"

      "Yeah Nialler you said you would," Louis says. Niall, Harry and Louis leave so it is just Liam, my mom, Ethan and I (which is a lot easier than having Niall here for cooking reasons) I make sweet potato casserole and we are eating and talking when Liam asks, 

    "Where is your dad Rae? Like your mom said that you are all she has left but you're gonna take me to visit? I'm sorry if this is kinda intruding but I was just wondering."

    "I was actually kinda waiting for you to ask that... He died overseas when I was 7, he was a first class Sargent. I met Ethan a week later and he helped me through it all, he is my big brother and at times, my dad." I say as Ethan starts to smile.

    "Well thank you for being there for her Ethan and thank you so much for dinner babe but the guys are here to pick me up, we are gonna go plan the tour, see you both tomorrow?" Liam says as he kisses me on the cheek.

     "Yep tomorrow, bye babe," I say very happy. Ethan and I clean up then after Ethan leaves I take a shower and go to bed. All of my dreams that night were about the tour and Liam, especially Liam.

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