Chapter 38

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Then we went to dinner with the guys and announced our proposal,
"Wow! Congrats guys!" Niall practically yelled,
"Thanks Nialler, Lou are you ready to get married in..." I counted the days left on my fingers, "2 days?"
"Yeah love, so ready. I can't wait to marry Hazza, I love him so much," then Harry kissed him verrrryyy passionately,
"Ewwwww get a room!" I yelled and Liam laughed then my mom called. "Hold on, my mom is calling I'll be right back." I walked away and answered the phone
Hi Rae, what did you wanna talk to me about? Mom asked me.
I have something to tell you... Lima and I are engaged!
Wow hun congrats!! He's a great kid.
Thanks for your approval ma... How's Ethan? I know he's probably pissed that I couldn't come to his Mom's funeral but I hope he got the flowers...
He's a lot better now than he was when he called you when she died and he said that he really appreciates the flowers... He's here right now if you wanna talk to him?
Please? My mom handed the phone to Ethan
Hey bro, I'm really sorry about everything, tour has been crazy. Wanna hear some good news?
I always love good news.
Liam and I are getting married!
Wow sis! Do I get to be your man of honor?
You might have to fight with Harry about that but I really have to go.. Tell my mom I said I love her... And bro?
Yeah what's up sis?
I love you so much.
Love you too, bye.
Ethan hung up and I went back to the table and talked to the guys for a while and ate then we all went back to the bus and Lima and I slept in the tent.

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