Chapter 36

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Oh jeez the next day was awful... I got tweeted so many questions, so many people saw what happened. I let management handle the questions while I went to an interview with the amazing Zoella.
"So Rae," Zoe started to ask me, "What happened with Louis and Harry last night? Are all the pictures real?"
"Truthfully I wasn't there so I have no idea what is going on with that and I don't know if all those pictures are real even though I've been getting tons of tweets about them. Whether it's real or not I really feel bad for Harry and Louis, all the drama always starts around them," I responded with what management told me to say.
"Liam was there though, didn't he explain what happened?"
"He has no idea what happened either. He was pretty drunk and he told me that he got separated from Harry and Louis. But I know that his clothes were ruined when they came back to the bus and they all went right to bed." I was so glad I was able to tell the truth for once...
"So..." Zoella started, "How's the love life between you and Liam... Have you gone all the way yet?"
"Liam and I are doing great but no... I am waiting till marriage to go all the way but I love him to the moon and back," He'll be so happy to hear that part...
"Well that's all the time I got today thank you Rae for stopping by and I hope all of you have fun at Louis' birthday bash!"
"Thank you Zoella I had so much fun and I'll carry along the message.. Bye y'all!" I left after the interview was over and I went back to the bus... It was a little too quiet.

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