Chapter 44

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At this time, we were about to finish the tour and I was already showing and to add to the struggle, it was 2 days before the Grammy awards. During a show, Liam fell off the stage and we had to stop the show and rush him to the hospital, luckily, he had only minorly broken his foot so he was put in a boot and we went to the bus. I posted it on twitter thanking everyone for their support and apologizing for stopping the show early.
The next morning we had an interview with People magazine. The people at People (haha) mainly asked us about the baby and about Louis and Harry being married but one question kinda shocked me. The interviewer looked me right in the eye and asked me how it felt to be not only taking care of our unborn child but to also be taking care of Liam due to his foot. In my mind I freaked out on the interviewer but out loud I kindly said "Liam is a big boy who is taking care of himself just fine. I don't take care of him nor do I need to." At that point the interview ended and the guys and I went to make sure out outfits for the Grammy's fit. Mine was a light blue strapless dress that I absolutely loved (in picture). It fit like a glove and Liam looked amazing in his suit and one shoe. The thing I remember most about that day was when I walked out of the bathroom in the bus and Liam looked at me the same way he did the first time he checked me out and on our wedding day (and one other time too but let's keep this Pg)
After trying on our performance outfits, Liam and I went to the doctor for my ultrasound.
    "So Mrs. Payne, would you like to know if you are having a boy or a girl?"
    Liam looked at me and pouted. I didn't want to know, but he did.
     "No thank you. Does everything seem alright though?"
     "Yep so far... Wait a minute... Is that?"
      "Is that what?" Liam got up and looked at the screen
      "It seems that you are pregnant with twins Mrs. Payne."
      "Wait what? Ok, what genders?"
       "Babe, 2 boys."
       "I knew something was special. Wait, we need to come up with another name."

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