Chapter 34

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"You've gotta be kidding me!!" I practically yelled into the phone, "I love Liam but we haven't even been dating for 6 months!" Management had decided to go along with the media for once and they wanted to announce that Liam and I are getting married,
"Guys Rae's right," Harry said, "I want the world to know that Lou-bear and I are together but I don't want everyone to think it is a stunt."
"What if we say that we are planning a fancy event, like a fundraiser or a birthday party?" Niall added in and I thought it was a good idea so I added
"Yeah, let's pretend we are planning a fancy Christmas/birthday party for Louis, I'll even tweet it myself."
"Ok, I like that idea better," the person from management said, "tweet it Asap Rae."
"Yes sir!" I took out my phone and tweeted
Hey y'all! Listen, Liam and I love each other but we ain't getting married. We are planning a birthday/Christmas party for Louis! Sorry for scaring y'all.
That calmed the press down so we were able to continue touring and planning until Harry and Louis got drunk one night.

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