Clue Finding 3

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Jason has been murdered. You now have time to search for clues to try and get the murderer before the all exciting mansion trial ~ Moonire.

Jason was in a pool of blood.

Leia immediately ran out of the room and started to cry. Everyone started to gather clues in Leia's stead as she was scared and frightened to carry on. She knew who did it though, but for what motive.

"Leia. Since you didn't want to look, I've summed up that Jason was stabbed to death. It was definitely last night." Jordan said to Leia.

"I know who did it. The culprit came into my room last night with a bloody knife, most likely trying to frame me." Leia replied. "I'll say who it was in the trial."

"I think you should keep it to yourself as some of the others followed the blood trail to your room." Jordan told her. Leia knew who the murderer was without needing to go through the evidence. Leia noticed Jordan was thinking the same thing.

Time for the all exciting trial guys.

Leia started to head to the elevator with the others. She knew she was going to have to prove to her friends how dangerous her murderer was, as she knew exactly who it was.

Sorry it short o.o

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