Find the clues for Seto

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Seto has been murdered. You now have time to search for clues to try and get the murderer before the all exciting mansion trial ~ Moonire.  

Seto was found, clubbed to death. His blood was everywhere, like he was brutally beaten up.

"Oh my gosh. I really can't look." Leia said as she walked out of the room. Riri was crying her eyes outside the room. Leia knew how much Seto meant to Riri. She noticed Brice was looking tearful as well, but also saw someone looking a little suspicious. I could bring it up at the trial.

Jordan looked around and gathered some clues for Leia. After seeing her walk out and Riri outside, he thought it would be best to get some clues for her to suss out. The others helped Jordan with looking for clues.

After 10 minutes, Jordan went to talk to Leia about the clues they found.

"The murder weapon was a club. A nail ridden club to be exact. It was found in the bathroom with blood on it. I have a feeling it was planned as we don't have any leads to who did it." Jordan concluded his summary.

"I'll have a look. I need to do this for Seto." Leia replied and went to look at Seto. It looks like a hate attack. I won't bring it up though.

It's time for the trial you guys. Hurry up!

Leia heard Moonire's voice and everyone started to head to the trial room. The question in Leia's mind was who wanted to get rid of Seto?


Guess I'm glad I'm not drawing the murder scenes :v

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