The End of the Mansion Game

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Leia looked around. She never felt bad in killing people but she didn't want Jordan or Riri killed by her poison.

"I guess I'll never tell them about the machine Moonire put Jason in. The resurrection machine. He gets brought back to life but with a cost of having another version. He has to settle for being a Wither. WitherMU, that's what we'll call him." Leia said as she looked inside to see Jason, her lover.

"You know his resurrection is nearly complete? He has 5 minutes before he is resurrected." Seto reminded Leia. "But can we resurrect Riri? I don't want to see her dead. She is a good friend to you after all."

"I want to do that but what would be a good version of her I can do?"

"Well we don't need AlterUniverse anymore as Jason will be alive any minute now. Why don't we make her an AlterSorcerer? I would love a companion to help with my potions." Seto said as Leia nodded.

"I agree, Riri can become AlterSorcerer and Jordan can become DragonSparkles." Leia said as she went to gather Riri and Jordan's bodies. "I will use my potion in my wings to reverse the poison." Leia said as she injected healing potion into Jordan and Riri. Riri and Jordan eventually woke up a few minutes later.

"Huh? I'm alive?" Riri said as she looked around.

"Same, how?" Jordan wondered as they saw Leia holding them both.

"Welcome back. I didn't want to lose you both. You have been my best friends, apart from Seto my brother. You have gained another form. Jordan, you have another form called DragonSparkles and Riri, you will have another form called AlterSorcerer. (I think you can see why Riri :P)

"Don't forget Jason." Seto reminded Leia.

"Oh yes, Jason is also being revived as well. He has another form called WitherMU."

"Wait, Jason too? Where is he?" Riri asked as Jason appeared.

"Whoa. That was an experience." He commented as he walked over to Leia.

"How was he in the machine over there?" Jordan asked.

"It was because he wasn't killed by poison. It took about a week for him to revive. Now we are all safely away from the others." Leia started to laugh. Seto joined in the laughing, then everyone else joined in. Their laughing rang louder and louder and louder...

Captain Sparkles, De_AlterSorcerer and TrueMU got resurrected.

Alive: 5
Dead: 15

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