Any Clues?

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Riri looked around the library for information with everyone else. Leia tried to look for information with Riri, but knowing full well if she finds the information people will want to kill her again.

Everyone looked around the library to look for some clues to why they were here. Suddenly, someone appeared in the midst as they were searching.

"Hello everyone. I see all of you are too busy looking for information." The dark voice of Moonire rang around the library.

"It is kinda obvious, Moonire." Leia retorted. "We just want to know why we are here to be honest. Apparently, we were meant to head to a party but don't know why we don't remember." Leia told Moonire.

"I know exactly why you guys are here, but I won't be telling you. You have to murder again for me to tell you something to crucial." Moonire explained. "But I will say this. At least one person knows what's going on here."

"Can you tell us?" Mitch asked and Moonire sighed.

"I did say that's all I'm telling you for now. Oh there is no floor, so I thought I'd give a bit of useful information instead. Be thankful I gave you something."

"I made notes." Leia told everyone. "In case we forget."

'Someone knows what's going on.'

"Thank you, Leia." Moonire said as she poofed off. As soon as Moonire vanished, everyone went to Leia to look at the notes.

"That is all she said just now." Seto said. "Thanks for making the notes, Leia."

"You're welcome, Seto." Leia replied as she started to head towards her room. Everyone else went along with Leia to her room, apart from two people.

"If you want to kill, just do it." One person whispered to the other.

"I will do. That person has been very annoying for me. I won't target Leia. Everyone would feel lost without her and the fact that she is awesome, despite being autistic. Anyway, I will be killing later." The other person whispered to the first person.

"Ok, I won't reveal it was you." The first person told the other, as the other was grinning.


CadenceChan :3

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