What the hell happened?

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Tyler has been murdered. You now have time to search for clues to try and get the murderer before the all exciting mansion trial. Looks like you'll have to put off you dinner to solve this one ~ Moonire.  

Tyler choked to death.

"What the happened to him?!" Riri looked at Tyler as his body fell onto the floor. Tyler's glasses fell off. Leia spotted something Tyler was holding has he choked. A cup. He could have been poisoned.

"Guys, check if his breath smells weird." Leia said as Lachlan checked.

"I smell poison. Tyler was poisoned." Lachlan summed it up. Leia had a hunch of what happened earlier to Tyler.

Its time to head to the trial room.

Leia heard Moonire's voice and everyone started to head to the trial room, awaiting to find out what could have happened to Tyler.


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