I love you

718 19 0

Ariana's POV

I woke up to birds chirping and the sun rising. I felt two big arms around my waist. I turned around. Harry. I blushed and bit my lip. He moaned as he opened his eyes. They were barely open.

"Hello." He said in his morning voice. I smiled.

"Hi." I got up and headed for the bathroom.

"No... Don't go." He said.

"Sorry, but I need to wash my face and brush my teeth. A clean girl is a happy girl." I went to the bathroom and then I remembered. He still lost his memory. He still doesn't know we dated.

I remember last night. He asked me if we used to date. Louis opened the door and saved my life. I walked back to the bed and sat down.

"You still didn't answer my question last night after our little make out session." Harry said.

"Shut up! It was not a session!" I said using my hands as quotations when I said session.

"You know it's true. Stop stalling." he smirked.

"Stalling? I am not! You think I'm stalling?"

"Ari!" I sighed.

"Morning Guys." Zayn said stretching. Saved again. This time by Zayn.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I said quickly hurrying.

"But you just did!" Harry argued.

"Well I'm going again."

"Dammit." I heard Harry mumble as I closed the door. I breathed a sigh of relief as I got some alone time. I leaned against the door to hear the conversation between Harry and Zayn.

"You don't understand mate, I really like her! I sorta felt attraction back at the hospital too! I'm pretty sure she likes me too!"

"I can't answer that question lad. You're gonna have to squeeze the answer out of her. Make her say it."

ugh.. I quietly opened the door and walked back to the bed.

"What are y'all talking about?" I said.

"Nothing." Harry spat out quickly.

I gave him a confused look even though I knew what they were talking about. I shrugged it off and lied down again.

"Morning guys, anyone up for pancakes?" Liam said after waking up.

"Sure." I said and both nodded.

Liam walked to the pantry and got pancake mix. Lexie, Louis, and Niall were still sleeping. I smiled at the two awake boys. They gave me confused looks.

"Time to wake em up!" I said getting up and went to their beds. The others got the memo and followed. Liam wanted to join in so he followed.

"WAKE UP YA BUMS!" I said jumping on the couch bed. The others did the same to Louis and Liam sand the wake up song.

"GRRR IM GONNA KILL YOU ALL." Louis joked getting up.

Niall also woke up and woke up Lexie. We all went back as it was back to normal. Liam went back to making breakfast and everyone went on their merry way. Until...

"Ari, can I talk to you outside?" Harry said. DAMN!!!

"I'm kinda hungry can it wait?" I said trying to dodge his approach.

"Um..Actually..No." He said.

"Fine." I murmured.

We went outside and he shut the door.

"What's up?" I asked acting dumb.

"You know what's up. I like you Ari. I really do. And I think you do too. You won't answer the damn question I asked LAST NIGHT. I need help with memory you know? I wanna know! Please....tell me." He said, looking down after.

I smiled. I loved when he babbled. I went on my tip toes and kissed him, smiling. I pulled away seconds later.

"I love when you babble. I usually kissed you when you babbled."

"Wait, you didn't answer my question." He said.

"THAT didn't answer your question?" He shook his head, still smiling.

"Hmm.. How about this." I said going to his ear and whispering.

"I love you." I bit my lip and got down from my tip toes.

A/N HEY GUYS! So so sorry for updating so late! And truly sorry for the short chapter! :( I've been busy because I'm on vacation visiting family. Btw Thea if you're reading this, you were right xD I can't text you here. but I have a really good fanfic coming up and I literally just had the concept in a dream! I'm so excited! I hope you all understand! Bye!

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