Leaving for the UK

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(One Week Later)

Ariana's POV

Liz and I have been hanging out the whole week. She's been sleeping over my house so she doesn't need to pay for a hotel.

We shopped and did a live chat. There were some sweet arianators and liz fans. And then there were the directioners who heard about Harry's break up with me and his rebound. They were so sweet, just like Harry. We also went bowling with a couple other friends from Victorious.

Today is the day I'm going to talk some sense into Harry Styles. I woke up Liz and we were on our way to England. It was 6 am and our flight was at 10. Liz and I got our luggage and took a taxi to our airport. We got there at 7 since it was in New York. We did that long adventure of checking in luggages and went to our gate. It was about 9 when Liz and I reached the gate.

I was hungry went to get Liz and me some breakfast and McDonalds. I was so happy that Liz came with me. I would never have the guts to do this alone. I got us both parfait a with strawberry smoothies. I love strawberries. I gave her her breakfast and had mine.

When we finished our breakfast, Liz fell asleep and I watched YouTube videos on my laptop. I decided to post my cover of Emotions on since I haven't posted a video in a long time.

By the time I got it fully uploaded, it was time to depart. I woke up Liz and we boarded onto the plane. Our first class seats, compliments of One Direction, were so cool. Thankfully, we were across from each other so I could contact her easily. It wasn't minutes before we took off. It was pretty early so the sun was out. I watched movies and listened to music.

I listened to the boys and their new single that came out. I started to tear up because I missed Harry. We were only together for like one month. I miss him, his beautiful curls, and his gorgeous voice. I want him back.

Then I remembered, I have competition. Caroline Mecks. Harry's rebound basketball. I didn't notice I was crying until I felt the warm tears reach my chin. I quickly wiped away the tears and just listened to more songs. I caught myself several times trying to text him. Then I remembered why I'm even on this plane.

"Ari, you okay?" I heard Liz say.

It's hard to hear on planes since your ears get popped. I nodded.

"Everything's gonna be okay," she said.

Everything's gonna be okay. It was running through my mind for the longest time. Then, the waitress came to take my order for brunch. I decided to go for salmon and yogurt for dessert. It sounded So delicious. I didn't realize that I was hungry until now. It wasn't awhile till I got my food. Liz and I talked and ate together. When she left for her seat, I decided to take a nap. I lied down on my pillow and slept.



I woke up to the sound of Liz's voice. I sat up and rubbed my eyes and checked the time on my tv screen. 4 pm What?!?

"We're just about to land Ari." Liz said from her seat.

I nodded and got ready for the landing. I decided to just go sight-seeing and then talk to Harry tomorrow. Minutes later, we landed. Liz and I got all the carry ons and went off the plane.

"AT LAST LAND!" I said breathing in the fresh England air.

We went to the luggage pick up and got our other bags. I rented a car and Liz and I went to our hotel. I thought I would be doing this with Alexa but she forgave Niall cause she didn't know what time it was when they picked her up.

Liz was such a good friend. I parked the car in the hotel parking lot. I checked us in while Liz was helping the bellboy with the bags.

"Ugh I'm so tired!" Liz said after she laid on the bed.

"Ok we'll nap then go sightseeing?"


I laid on the other bed and slept.



I woke up and checked the time. 7 pm. I rubbed my eyes and stretched. Liz was sitting at the edge of her bed watching Glee.


"Hey you're awake! Should we go sightseeing now?"


I went to the bathroom to change. I wore a blue skirt with a white tank top tucked in and put cupcake earrings on. I left the bathroom and put on blue flats. I got my purse and Liz and I were off.

We visited many extraordinary places and went mini-golfing. After that, we took a cab to a boardwalk near our hotel. We were really hungry so we bought hot dogs at a stand. We just stared and admired the beautiful ocean, leaning on the wood fence that kept us from the shore. I just listened to the beautiful waves. The beautiful noise as they crashed into the land, and how it was then pulled back to the sea. Liz went to get Popsicles so I was left alone, cold, staring at the beautiful sunset.

Harry's POV

The lads and I went to watch Louis play a soccer game and I brought Caroline again. She got along we'll with the other girls. I missed Ari though. They didn't meet her but they will.

After we all left the tournament, Caroline and I decided to go to watch the sunset. We brought the lads and their girls so there wouldn't be a lot of stories for the Papparazi's stupid gossip.

We all walked to the boardwalk and looked at the horizon. Caroline was cold so I gave her my jacket. She reminded me of Ari when I gave her my jacket. There was no one to my left but Caroline was on my right. The other lads followed. I looked to my left and saw her. So beautiful and so impossible. Ariana. Staring into the ocean. She looked sad. She was alone. She looked cold. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around. It was Caroline.

"You really like her. Don't you."


"I hope she forgives you, you are awesome. I'm gonna go, my mom texted me that I should go home. Bye!" She said.

She smile and gave me my jacket. I was tempted to go to her, but I refused. Then, I saw that she was walking in my direction.

I make my chapters long on notepad but they always turn out short here! :( Sorry

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