Was this a Joke?

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Ariana's POV

After Harry and I Skyped, it was 10 pm. I set my alarm and laid down on my bed. I decided to get up at 12 and I knew Alexa would be sleeping in. I heard her and Niall skyping in her room.

I looked up on the ceiling with the smile on my face. I couldn't believe what was happening. Clearly, I have the best boyfriend on earth. I turned on my favorite music, on quiet of course, then drifted off into a nice sleep.



I woke up when my alarm bursted What Makes You Beautiful in my ears. 12 pm, time to shower!

I got up and showered. I changed to a white halter with ruffles on the front and complimented it with jeans and a pink sweater with ruffles, too. I put my hair in a half up-half down look. Classic.

Just as I thought, Alexa was sleeping in. I packed all of our toiletries in a big ziploc bag and put it in my bag.

I started cooking Alexa and myself some blueberry and banana waffles. We never cared if it was too early or too late to have them, we always had breakfast whenever we woke up after a good nights sleep. I had blueberry and Alexa had bananas with hers since I was allergic to bananas.

After I finished cooking the waffles, I sat down and watched SpongeBob on Nick. I starred in Victorious but since it ended, I moved back to Pennsylvania with Alexa for college.

In the episode, Patrick took it seriously when a salesman said "Get Outta Town!!". "Stupid Patrick" I thought. I checked my phone, 12:50. I decided watch another episode of SpongeBob. I suddenly got a text from Frankie.

From Frankie👫:

Hey Gurl!! Heard you've found someone! Dad and Mom wants to meet him very badly!!

Crud. I forgot about introducing him to my family.

To Frankie👫:

Hey Bro!! Yes I did, his name is Harry. I hope you guys can meet him soon!! Anyways, he's bringing Alexa and me to the UK today on a private jet!! Don't tell anyone but Mom and Dad! I didn't even tell Alexa!! Well I gotta go ttylxox!!

From Frankie👫: Ok! Ttyl!!

I smiled. They lived about 30 minutes away and I wished I could see him. He's like my best friend. Besides Alexa. I checked the time again 1 o'clock. Time to wake up Alexa! I went inside her room and belted the wake up song.

"AHH WHAT THE FLUFFS ARI!" She screamed.

"Save your screaming for this. HARRY GOT US A PRIVATE JET TO LONDON AND ITS COMING AT 3!"


I held my finger to my lips. "Shut up!" I mouthed.

"Holy Chizz" she whispered. I gave her a thumbs up sarcastically.

"Come on, I packed our toiletries and already made breakfast. Get ready and meet me downstairs."

I went downstairs and started setting the table. It didn't take long for Alexa to come down. We started eating and when we finished, it was 1:45. Ok an hour and 15 minutes until the jet comes. Alexa and I put our bags and such at the door so that if we were in a rush, we could get our bags and go.

We sat down on my bed in my room and Alexa watched me on Victorious on her laptop while I singing covers of songs on GarageBand. Alexa eventually fell asleep during the first commercial break. I smirked and let her lie down properly.

I skyped with my good friend Elizabeth Gillies until she had to leave for a big movie audition. We talked about each others problems all the time. She was like another sister to me. We were on Broadway and Victorious together, so I was happy that I have her with me. After I got off Skype I checked the time, 2:57! Eek! Time to go!

"WAKE UP!!" I yelled at Alexa.

She woke up in an instant. I laughed. We got ready and waited outside. I was so anxious, I had thought it wasn't coming. Alexa was still tired. We sat at the couch swing at the porch. She fell asleep, again. I kept watch and checked the time a million times, but it never came.



It was now 5 pm and it still wasnt here. Was this supposed to be a joke? Angry, I brought Alexa and our bags inside. I couldn't believe he did this to me.

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