Teenage Dirtbag

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Teenage dirtbag: 

Chapter One:  

Here's the summary of the universal truth about women: Deep down inside every girl wants to date the bad boy because every girl wants to be the one to save him. Well what if this time things don't work out, instead you get pulled down deeper into his darkness. What if you can't save him and you become the one in need of saving? Should we always try to be the rescuer?

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It all started in April. Spring was just blooming and the pressure of exams were digging us deep. You could say we all were just a bit off our shells due to the pressure of maintaining marks. I mean it was, after all, senior year. Marks were your life when it came to university acceptances.  

I was seated alone in my calculus class. I chose to sit alone, at the back while everyone else sat in pairs, cuz frankly, this was my worst subject! The clock ticked on slowly and my teacher, with her thick Russian accent, continued on with her lecture. My brain was aching as I tried to focus on her words.  

"Remember, the dot product gives you a scalar number-" her voice chewed at the back of my head. "Dot product is derived from the formula of work-" I looked around. At the far corner sat the douche bags, texting away. To my left the smart ass kids where half asleep. At the front, very center, that one kid, the kiss up, had his back straight against their chair, catching her every word. Ugh, kill me now!! "Ms. Doyle!" The teacher suddenly yelled. My head shot up. "Is my lesson interfering with your day dreams??!" She asked. I went red as every pair of eyes were now fixed on me.  

"No mrs," I mumbled.  

"Am I boring you ??" She asked again with her dagger like blue eyes.  

"No, sorry" I said. 

"Well than pay attention! It's no wondering your failing!" And that was the end of any dignity I had left. Oh how I hated her cruelty. Suddenly from the open door I saw our principal walking a student to our class's direction. The boy was dressed in blue jeans and a black leather jacket with a bag slung over his shoulder. The principal knocked on our door.  

"I hope I'm not interrupting," he said. "Oh not at all." Our teacher quickly chimed, all smiles now.  

"I just wanted to introduce our newest student, Harry Styles." Harry styles look around the class room eyeing everyone, as he chewed on his gum. He had brunette curls and a very pale face making his appearance almost look comforting...if it wasn't for that edgy vibe I got from him.  

"Welcome, " our teacher said. "Why don't you take a seat, Mr. Styles." She looked around the room for an empty desk. Oh no! "Ah there" she said pointing to the desk beside me. "Go ahead and take your seat." He nodded and walked down the isle towards the desk. I grabbed my bag off his chair and placed it on the ground beside me. He gave me a long look which made me uncomfortable. It almost looked like he knew the feeling I got and gave a crooked, sly smile before taking his seat next to me. Well, guess this is going to be ... interesting .

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