Chapter 19

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Chapter 19:

I awoke to the sun glaring down at me. I blinked a couple of times to clear my vision. My head was pounding. Just than the shrill of the alarm clock broke the silence, announcing its presence. Swinging my arm across my night stand, I blindly gave it a whack to make it stop. It finally complied. I slowly shut my eyes. Maybe I can squeeze a few more seconds of sleep-

"Morning beautiful!" Came a shrill voice. What? I groaned, looking over the covers at the locked bedroom door. "Open up!" Caroline yelled from the other side. I crawled out of the comfort and made it to the door.

"How did you get in?" I asked annoyed, opening it to her smiling face. She jingled a set of keys in front of me. The familiar key chain of a soccer ball that I once gifted told me it was Nate's keys. "My brother told you to spy on me?" I asked astonished. Her eyebrows scrunched together.

"No! To check up on you, duh."

"Oh how nice!" I said sarcastically. She pushed passed me and jumped into my bed.

"Go brush! I can't stand you morning breath...or hair for that matter." She said flipping through my phone. I peaked down the hall to see Tom's bedroom door open. He must have left for work. I went over to the washroom, glancing at my horrid reflection. "So did you get that assignment done?" Caroline called from my bedroom.

"Mm hmm" I pulled out my brush.

"Really?" I heard a bit of a surprise in her tone, one that was eager for details but careful as to not seem desperate. "Was it over the phone or...?"

"No," I turned on the tap.

"Did he come over?"

"No" she waited for more but I didn't give her anything.

"Oh for Pete's sake Kat, tell me!!" I rolled my eyes. She walked into the washroom, leaning against the wall, watching me eagerly.

"I went to see him,"

"at his house?"

" a bar."

"You, Ms. Katherine Doyle, the image of all goodness, went to a bar?!" She asked in disbelief. I glared at her. "And I suppose you'll tell me that all you did was homework"

"yes actually," I said with a mouth full of paste.

"You, my girl, are totally falling for him." I rinsed my mouth out. "You are so lucky!" She went on.

"Caroline, it's not like that. He's not what you think."

"I know what he is!" Caroline persisted.

"No you don't, you see him and you think he's a bad boy with a sappy story who's good on the inside and Caroline, your expecting the classic!"

"But that's exactly what's happening here!"

"Every girl loves the bad boy because she wants to be the one to change him. But Caroline...." I took my hair in a pony tail while trying to think of a way to explain this to her. "Harry Styles is what he is. There's no sappy story, there's nothing! I mean for a second he had me going for the, 'maybe there's more to him' facade but there is nothing else to him. He's not trustworthy, he's not reliable, he's not right. He's a..."

"Your really going to call him a douche bag, cuz he's not Kat! We know douche bags and Harry Styles is no douche bag!" She was right. Douche bag didn't cover him. Douche bag was that over dressed boy with an ego almost the size of this shoe closet.

"Your right, He's no douche bag, Harry Styles is a teenage dirtbag." I said finally thinking of the word.

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