Chapter 40

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Chapter 40:

(Sorry for the profanity! Viewer discretion is advised!)

"We can go back." Caroline quickly suggested. We were pulled into the drive way. I swallowed a lump from my throat.

"Too late." I said barely louder than a whisper. Tom was waiting with the door open.

"Kat..." Caroline started. I knew she was scared.

"Stay here Caroline. You don't have to come. I'll just grab my things quickly."

"Are you dumb! I'm not going to let you go in there alone." She said grabbing onto my wrist. I smiled at her and than, gathering the courage I had, I opened the car door. I had to face him sooner or later. When I looked back at the door, fear struck me as well as the immediate image of him holding that belt. I made my way to the door, keeping my gaze on the ground.

"Well, look what the cat dragged back in from the gutter!" He said. I made my way into the house with Caroline behind me. "Had a nice night with that son of a bitch? Hmm? Did he satisfy you?"

I closed my eyes at his disgusting thoughts. He didn't even care that Caroline was behind me. I held on to Caroline's hand as I took her upstairs.

"Where do you think your going bitch!" He said grabbing hold of my hair. He yanked me away from Caroline. I let out a scream of pain as he pulled relentlessly.

"Tom, please!" I said through tears.

"Tom let go of her!" Caroline yelled.

"Well, well, the blonde speaks. That's Mr. Cooper to you, you disrespectful bitch!" He shouted at her. She gulped and pulled out her phone.

"I have the cops on dial!" She said.
I could sense her fear but she tried to remain strong. "Let go of her or I'm calling!" She said.

"So how many of these little cunts do you have doing your dirty work for you, huh?" He asked me, yanking my hair more. "Speaking of which, where is that other bastard?!"

"Leave her!" Caroline shouted lifting her phone up.

"You think I'm scared of you?" Tom asked Caroline. He charged towards her. I quickly took advantages and escaped his grasp and darted for the kitchen. Rummaging through the drawer I pulled out a knife and ran back to them. He held Caroline against the wall.

"Get away from her!" I yelled. I pushed him aside coming in front of Caroline as I held up the knife. Tom backed away immediately.

"When did you grow balls, sweet Katie?" He asked eyeing the knife. A smile curled on his face as he knew he hurt me. That's what my mum use to call me. Sweet Katie. That asshole!

"Get back!" I yelled. "You disgusting, pathetic, pig!"

"Your mum sure didn't think that when she married me." His grin remained. I felt sick to the stomach.

"Only cuz she didn't know who you really were! A drunk, overbearing ass!"

"Now, now Katie, you watch what you say. You still live under my roof."

"No! I'm done! I'm done with you taking advantage of us! As soon as Nate gets back in two weeks, we're out of here! We're gone from here! You won't have us around to torture!" I shouted.

"And where are you gonna go?" He mused.

"Anywhere! We'll live on the streets if we have to but as long as its away from you and this hell hole!" I cried out.

He narrowed his eyes.

"Get away from us! Go!" I screamed. He looked at me a moment longer before walking out the door.
As soon as he left I ran to the door, bolting it shut. I collapsed on the floor instantly. Caroline ran to me, wrapping her arms around me.

"I'm sorry for putting you through that Care!" I sobbed.

"Shhh. I'm fine." She said stoking my hair. She rocked me slowly. It was a moment before she spoke again.

"Did you really mean what you said? About leaving?" She whispered.
I nodded.

"But where?" I mumbled.

"My door is always open for you and Nate." She didn't hesitate to say. I pulled her close.

"Thank you"

* *

I had just gotten the courage to stand again. Caroline and I made our way to the stairs to my room when we heard knocking on the door. Caroline looked at me worried.

"I'll open it." She said.

"No" I immediately stopped her. "I got it." I grabbed the knife I had before. I wasn't ever going to let Tom catch me off guard again. I went to the door carefully. I took another glance back to Caroline. She was afraid and it was clearly visible in the way her leg twitched back and forth in anticipation of what would happen next. The knocking came again, this time harder and more urgent. I clutched the knife tighter and with my free hand I turned the knob. As soon as the door opened I held out the knife.

"I told you to leave!" I yelled out. To my utter shock, Harry was standing at the door. He looked at the knife in my hand, wide eyed. There was a moments pause between us. "Oh....I thought..." I lowered the knife.

"Are you okay?! What the hell happened?" He took a step forward and I instinctively took one back.

"Belle?" He asked. "Why would you leave? I was going be with you when you came here." He was angry but it wasn't the blind rage that he had shown earlier when he had grabbed my injured arm.

"I..." I didn't know how to finish that. Thankfully Caroline came towards me. She placed a hand on my shoulder, pulling me back. She came face to face with Harry now with me behind.

"I think you should go." Caroline said to Harry quietly.

"Look," he said impatiently to her. "I know you and your friends want me to stay away from her, but frankly, I don't give a rats ass! I need to talk to her now-"

"No" Caroline cut in. "I'm not telling you to stay away from her" she said to my surprise and clearly to Harry's as well. " should go, now. Kat's been through alot and I know you care...I hope you care, but you being here is just adding to it. Just give her a minute, she'll see you at school." Caroline reasoned with him in a levelled tone.

He looked over her shoulder to me. His eyes searched for something. Maybe conformation that this wasn't a trick to keep him away. I didn't look at him, instead keeping my eyes on the ground. He looked back at Caroline who waited patiently for him to make a decision. He finally nodded.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here." Was all he said, so softly. I knew what he meant. He wasn't here to stop Tom. He turned to leave when Caroline suddenly said,

"Thank you Harry. For everything you did for Kat. I don't know what your intentions are but, I really hope they don't hurt her"

Hey guys, please leave comments! I love reading them, though it takes me a while since i don't think there's a way to view all comments :(
Anyways, tell me what you guys think so far ! Thank you for the positive feed back :)
oh and all stories are updated on my Instagram first so follow me @imaginethestars17 :)

-Stars :)

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