Chapter 41

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Chapter 41:

I didn't go to school that day. I didn't have the energy frankly. Caroline was a bit reluctant to leave me alone but I convinced her that Tom wouldn't be back from work till later that night. I stayed huddled in my bed. I didn't want to move. I was so drained and tired so I just slept.

Around twelve in the afternoon my phone buzzed, waking me. Caroline had promised she'd refrain everyone from trying to text or call me. So who could this be? I unlocked the screen and read the text.

Anna Banana :
Hey, I know u don't wanna be bothered, but just checking in :)

I smiled. And replied a quick 'I'm fine' back. There was another text.

Ur not at school are u? Tell me ur feeling okay.

I didn't reply back but just placed the phone back and slumped into my bed. My head was pounding from that, over sleep, headache. I decided to get up and make my way to the kitchen. I got to the sink and the sudden fresh memory of the occurrence that happened right here, pulsed in my brain. I could almost hear the whip. No I can't live like this. I had to get him out of my mind. That was the one freedom I still held against Tom. I went to the sink and looked at the bandages Harry had placed on my forearms. Anxiously, I tore them off my arms. The fresh pink skin underneath stung with the force. I gasped, gripping the counter as the pain took a while to pass...or at least get use too.

"Why are you doing this?" Someone said. Startled I jumped back. To my surprise, it was Harry standing at the kitchen door. I was a bit stunned to respond. Seeing my reaction he tired to explain himself. "The door was open." He said. I nodded, trying to stop the racing speed of my heart. He stepped towards me.

"Last I checked, school ends in another three hours." I said glancing at the clock.

He shrugged. "I had more important things to attend to. Caroline told me you stayed at home. Why didn't you reply?" He asked. I turned back to the sink, continuing to pull my bandages off. He came beside me. "Why are you taking those off now?" He asked.

"Uh...I want them to heal and they won't if their bandaged." I tried to explain without sounding crazy.

"They need time to heal." He said slowly. Frustrated, I yanked at them harder, hissing under my breath at the pain.

"They don't need time. They need fresh air." I said stubbornly. I pulled at the last one making myself wince. He took my arms gently and turned me around to face him.

"Caroline told me about your decision to leave this place." I tried to look anywhere but at him. He lifted my chin. "Where will you go?" He asked quietly. I had no choice but to look at his eyes.

"I don't know." I said honestly.

"Come into my apartment." He said quickly. "There's room for you and Nate."

"I don't think Nate would be fond of that idea." I remarked. He rolled his eyes. I smiled and looked down at my arms. The skin was an angry pink. I sighed. "Thank you for the offer though."

He gently turned us so that my back was now leaning against the counter. He stroked my cheek gently as if too much pressure would break me.

"You scared the shit out of me this morning when I woke up and saw you were gone." He said looking down at me. I gave him a weak smile again. He knelt his head down to come to my level. "Don't do that again." He whispered.

"Do what?" I asked.

"Don't give me the idea that you left for good." He brought his lips against mine, kissing me softly. Unconsciously, my hands drifted to his neck and curls of his hair, pulling him down closer to my height to deepen the kiss. He swiftly lifted me up to have me sitting on the counter top as he brought himself in between my legs. He pulled away, watching me intently.

"What?" I asked, my breathing a bit heavy and uneven.

"Just checking." He said quietly.

"Checking?" I asked confused.

"If your going to bolt the minute I look away. I don't know if you've noticed but you do have a tendency to do that." He said with a playful smirk. I laughed, the sound seeming foreign to my own ears. I grabbed the collars of his leather jacket, pulling him in closer to me.

"Don't do anything to make me bolt." I said quietly. He placed his elbows on the counter, on either side of me, kneeling in closer to my lips.

"You have my word Ms. Doyle" I pulled him in again, against my lips. I felt him chuckle, probably at my reaction.

"Can I trust you?" I asked. He looked at me with an intense gaze.

"What do you think?" He asked.

"I think, I finally know what to do and I can feel something good coming ahead of me...after such a long time, and I feel like your apart of that." I blurted out the first things that came into my head.

"Than maybe you should listen to your gut." He smiled. "I promise I'll take care of you now." He whispered. I closed my eyes as I felt his lips against me once more. My body relaxed at his touch, starting to develop the familiarity to it.

* *

It finally grew dark outside. Harry had remained with me the whole day. Caroline, Anna, will and Bonnie had dropped by too. Will didn't seem too pleased with Harry's presence but clearly new that everything between us was okay, which i thought was the reason why he remained refrained from doing anything. The girls accepted Harry in like he was one of our old friends, putting all prejudices aside. I think they realized I had gone through things too bad to have him taken away from me. Will, Bonnie and Anna had gone home as we determined that I was to stay at Caroline's house tonight. I think Harry had his own plans but didn't push me into coming with him. I sat in my room, packing articles of clothing into a duffel bag. Harry sat on my bed going through his phone while Caroline helped me go through my wardrobe.

"Oh shoot!" She suddenly said.

"What?" I asked confused. Harry looked up as well.

"I left my bag in Anna's car. It has tomorrow's assignment. I have to go get that back." She explained.

"You should definitely go. Harry can take you." I said. Almost instantly, Harry shot me a look.

"I don't think that's a good idea. I'm not leaving you here, alone." He said.

"No he's right Kat. I can always get it later." She said.

"Look guys. By the time you get back, I'll be done packing and than we'll leave. The longer we take, the more likely we'll see him..." I said.

Harry looked at me long and hard. "I guess that makes sense." Caroline said hesitantly. Harry didn't seem convinced.

"You'll be back before he gets here." I said to him. He finally nodded, reluctantly, and with Caroline, headed downstairs.
Caroline gave me a quick hug before darting out the door. Harry dropped a kiss on my cheek that left me flustered. "I'll be back soon." He said in a low voice. "Bye Belle" and with that he was gone. I sighed and made my way back upstairs. I continued to pack.

Half an hour passed when I heard the front door open. There were footsteps coming up the stairs. I zipped up the duffle bag and threw it over my shoulder, making my way into the hall.

"You guys are back. Well I'm ready to go." I said.

"Is that so, and where do you think your going?" I froze immediately at the voice. At the top of the stairs stood Tom. In his hand he clutched a knife and on his face he held a viscous smile. "You were holding a knife at me, eh? Well sweet Katie, lemme show ya how to use one properly." He said taking a step towards me. My throat was dry.

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