Chapter 4

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Teenage Dirtbag:

chapter 4

The next day all four of us went out to the courtyard for lunch. It was a beautiful spring day and frankly we couldn't get enough of it.

"Alright, listen up you but faces," Anna began, "exams are coming so everyone better start logging off all their social media accounts, got it?!"

One thing to know about Anna, she's practically our mom! She didn't intend to take this kind of a role, it just happened. It just so turned out that both Caroline, and Bonnie's parents were divorced leaving them with their dads. But that was still better than where I was left. My mum past away after marrying an obnoxious drunk named Tom. Now it's just my brother and I under his parental supervision. So, it naturally fell on Anna, who had both her parents well and happy, to take care of us. We knew each other from our diaper days and so even though our families were full of holes, we always had each other.

I nodded in agreement. Bonnie shrugged. It was Caroline who was clearly going to protest.

"Can we just please not over react here! I'm perfectly capable of studying with my accounts active!" She said. "

"Is that what your failed bio test told you?" Bonnie asked.

"Failed?!" Anna asked shocked.

"Not exactly failed." Caroline quietly mumbled.

"Your off of everything, you understand me!" Anna ordered.

She sadly nodded her head. I opened up my coke can. Suddenly, from the corner of my eyes I saw him. Harry walked into the courtyard, his usual leather jacket on, but this time with another girl beside him.

"Oh my god it's him!" Bonnie squealed.
They all shot their heads in unison towards his direction.

"Okay guys don't all look at once!" I hissed.

"Who that with him?" Caroline asked.

"Oh my that's Eva!" Bonnie said.

"Of course" Anna scoffed. We all knew that if any girl, she would be the first on top of him.

"Darn her!" Caroline cursed.

I turned back to my lunch.

"Not surprising, he's exactly the type to go for someone like her. Looks like they're perfect for each other!" I jabbed at my fries.

"But are they together?" Caroline asked, still filled with hope.

"Don't care!" I said.

"Yeah? Cuz it looks like you should. He's staring right at you Kat!" Bonnie whispered.

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