Chapter 7

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Teenage Dirtbag:

chapter 7:

"Kate!" Someone suddenly called me from behind.

Harry and I both turned to see a dark haired boy looking back at us, a look of concern on his face. He was a good five or so feet away, just making his way to the school. His gaze went to Harry's hand that was still holding onto my wrist. I pulled my wrist out of Harry's grasp. He seemed reluctant to let go.

"Hey, Will." I called back.

"Everything alright here?" Will asked looking back and forth between us.

"Ah, the hero has come to save the innocent girl from the clutches of evil." Harry whispered to me. I tried to keep a straight face.

"Yeah everything's fine, where are you going?" I asked him.

"I have English, come on I'll walk with you." He said giving Harry a stern look. He started walking towards us. I turned back to the direction of the door, but not before giving Harry a look.

"Your supposed to be the 'clutches of evil?'" I whispered. He gave a, you are what you are shrug. I rolled my eyes. Will had caught up to us and now held the door open for me. I gave Harry one last look and than walked inside. As I turned back around, I noticed the look Will gave Harry as well. And it wasn't pleasant.

The thing with Will was...he had this over protective tendency. As if it was his job. It was strange to most but I grew use to it by now. When we were well in the building he turned to me.

"What were you doing with him?"

"Just talking." I said shrugging it off.

"Don't go near him. He's not safe."

"Why? He's not that bad." I lightly defended.

"Says the girl who sees good in everyone. Just listen to me Kate, alright. What is this, his second day and he's already picked up five girls numbers. Each within the first conversation."

I felt kind of offended... childishly offended. That this was our fifth meeting now and I didn't get the same response. Not that I really wanted his's more of, I don't know- forget I said anything!

We walked along the halls of the fourth floor now.

"Would you relax please, I can take care of myself, Will." I reminded him.

"Yeah, yeah, I can see that." He said sarcastically.

"Remember your coming over tonight!" I said.

"Right, I almost forgot. Will Tom be home?"

"I don't know...I'm guessing yeah."

"Did he...try anything with Nate again?" He asked quietly.


"...What about you?" He asked me. I chewed the side of my lip before answering, something I do when i try to lie.

"No" I said. We came to the door of my classroom. He looked at me with a comforting smile,

"I'll come over tonight." He said. I smiled back.

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