Chapter 22

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Chapter 22:

We drove down the road for a while now, the radio humming in the background, as Harry took yet another turn. I had a feeling he was heading out of town.

"How far is it?" I asked, looking out my window.

"Is that man your dad?" He asked suddenly, taking me by surprise.

"Tom? No." I said immediately disgusted. My father was an amazing man, incomparable to that horrid being! "He's my ...step father" He took this into consideration, keeping his eyes on the road.

"We are almost there." He said after a brief pause.

"Almost? Where's there, exactly?" I asked.

"Be patient Belle. You're very demanding, aren't you?" He said with a laugh.

"Well can you blame me? You've been driving for like, ever! And anyone in a car with you for this long would bound to be anxious! You make me so..." I quickly stop my mindless rambling, biting my lip.

"I make you?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Uh nothing" I said, looking out the window

"Say it?" He said. "What? Do I make you nauseous?" He asked making me laugh.

"I was going to say...nervous" I said a little quietly. He gave me a cute smile. Never in my life had I ever thought I'd feel comfortable for a second around him but strangely enough, here I was. He suddenly slowed for the car.

"Shit" he said under his breath coming to a complete stop.

"What?" I asked looking ahead. The road up ahead was blocked off. Harry cut the engine stepping out of the car. I watched him confused. He made his way to the barrier examining the surrounding for a way to possibly drive around. It was than that I took notice of the surroundings as well. It was dark out and on either side of the road stood tall, dark trees. There wasn't another hint of civilization around to be seen. I watched through the wind shield as Harry jogged back to the car. He leaned in through the open window into the car.

"There's no way around." He told me. I looked around again. "What do you want to do?" He asked.

"Lets go back, it's getting late and I don't feel comfortable being out here." I said honestly. This place gave me the creeps.

"Well there goes our first date down the drain." He said sounding genuinely disappointed. I rolled my eyes, trying to hide my smile. He got in and turned the keys but the engine didn't roar to life like usual, instead dying down.

"What happened ?" I dared ask the question.

"It's dead." He mumbled.

"Your telling me, we're stuck out here, in the middle of nowhere?" I asked in shock.

"That, Belle, is exactly what I'm saying." He said in a monotone.

"Oh my...god!" I yelled.

"Relax, everything's fine!" He tried to reassure me. He got out of the car and made his way to the hood, lifting it up. I stayed in, pulling out my phone.

"Harry there's no signal!!" I yelled in panic.

"Yeah, you probably won't get anything out here!" He called back from behind the hood. I waited for him. He pulled the hood back down.

"Is it fixed?" I called through my window.

"Nope." He said bluntly.

"What the hell do we do?" I asked.

He placed both his hands on his hips scanning the area. He turned back to me and shrugged.

"Live in the moment!" He said smiling.

"What?! Can you be serious please!"
He came around to my window.

"You want me to be serious? Fine. Here's what we can do. Walk up ahead for a motel, cuz we'll probably be here for a bit. Or walk back and try to reach that gas station that we passed a good half hour ago."

"Your kidding me? Those are your best options?!" I asked. He shrugged again."well I'm not getting out of this car!" I said stubbornly.

"Okay, you stay here, I'll go back for the gas station." He immediately began walking. I sat in the dark, eyeing the trees. There was an eerie silence. Suddenly somewhere in the distance I heard an owl hoot, making me jump. I threw open the door running out of the car and behind the curly haired boy.

"Harry, wait for me!" I shouted. I heard him chuckle.

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