Chapter 29

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Chapter 29:

I ran into the washroom on the first floor. I had tears streaming down my face and everyone watched me as I ran down the hall like a desperate little girl. How? How did I let this happen?! I threw the door open and came into the vacant washroom room. I looked at the mess I was, in the mirror. How did this happen? I slumped my back against the wall and slid down to the floor, hugging my knees. I pushed the hair out of my face. I really just wanted to pull it out of its roots. I heard the door open and footsteps come in.

"Kate!" Came urgent voices. It was Caroline Bonnie and Anna. Caroline and Bonnie sat on either side of me, rubbing my back. I looked up at them. The pity was still there in their eyes. Anna knelt down in front, wiping my tears.

"Kat don't cry!" Bonnie pleaded.

"I ...I just can't...believe..." I mumbled. "I'm so stupid! I'm an idiot...God how could I be so idiotic!"

"Shhh" Caroline lulled me.

"" I started.

"Don't worry about Eva, Anna taught her a lesson!" Caroline said. I looked up at Anna who just smiled at me.

"She slapped her for you girl!" Bonnie laughed.

"I'm sorry ...I should have listened to you!" I said through sobs.

"Whatever." Anna shushed me. "I'm happy that you at least know what he is."

"I just can't believe" I couldn't finish. I leaned my head against the wall, looking up at the ceiling.

"That jackass, don't worry, Will is hunting him down for you as we speak!" Bonnie chimed with a hint of revenge.

"What?" I asked.

"Will, Ben and Jeremy. Their looking for him." Caroline explained. I wiped my tears.

"That dirtbag will get what he deserves." Anna hissed. I closed my eyes trying to steady my breath.

* *

I had managed to get through the last two classes, trying to ignore the looks. By the end of the day, I had a couple of questions for our teacher and Caroline hung back with me so by the time we left, the school had emptied. Caroline and I walked through the parking lot towards her car.

"Kat, are you alright?" She asked me. I didn't answer. "I'm sorry, but I feel like I'm partially...I feel like the whole thing is my fault. I pushed you towards that jerk." I still didn't reply. "Will didn't find him but don't worry! That rat has to come to school one day or another and than he'll get that coward!"

"Care" I said exhausted. I was at her car, just reaching for the door.

"Please stop" I whispered.

She sighed, "right. Stopping! Lets talk about something totally different, how about-"

"Belle?" A voice cut her off. We both turned around to see Harry jogging towards us. I froze, my insides twisting.

"Oh god!" Caroline hissed. I fumbled to open the door quickly. Suddenly I became the most clumsiest person alive. He came to us now.

"Hey, where have you been? I've been trying to find you all day." He asked. He was in front of me now.

"Get the hell away from her!" Caroline yelled. She ran around the car standing in front of me.

"What?" Harry asked confused. I felt so pathetic that I actually let Caroline shield me.

"I said leave you jerk!" Caroline yelled.

"Belle?" Harry called me looking over her shoulder.

"Look buddy, get a hint, leave her the f**** alone!" Caroline cussed. Harry paused for a few seconds unable to understand. Than annoyance took over his features as he looked at Caroline. He was about to speak when Caroline suddenly shouted,

"Will!" I turned to look to my side to see Will and Ben passing by. They turned to Caroline's voice and their expressions changed from confused to furious upon seeing Harry with us.

"You little-" Will said, running towards us. Caroline grabbed my hand, pulling me back. Harry looked even more confused at Will coming to him. As Will finally got to Harry, he shoved him hard against Caroline's car.

"Hey!" Harry yelled out. "What the hell?" Will suddenly threw a punch at Harry's jaw. The impact physically turned Harry's face to the side.

"How the hell do you think I'm going to let you near her again?!" Will said menacingly. Harry stood back up right. He touched the corner of his lip calmly and brought back his hand to see blood. He looked back up at Will. His eyes suddenly dark. The joking, happy Harry was gone completely and out came what I had glimpsed once before at the bar.

Harry suddenly threw a punch at Will, making him stumble back a step. He repeated this again, throwing another punch. I gasped, while Caroline clutched onto my wrist. Ben came in to stop him but Harry almost too easily shoved him aside. It's as if he had nothing to hold him back from lashing out. He grabbed Will's shirt pulling it up to face him inches away.

"What the hell are you talking about?" He asked in a low, deadly voice. Will shoved him off, his nose bleeding. He threw another punch but before it could reach, Harry grabbed on and pulled him into a headlock. Will struggled to free himself.

"Stop it!" I shouted out. Harry looked up at me as if suddenly waking up.
"Let go of him!" I cried out. A second of hesitation later, Will was released, but the crease on Harry's brow remained. I ran to Will, helping him up on his feet as he rubbed his neck. Caroline took his arm over her shoulder, guiding him away from Harry. Ben got up as well. To my annoyance, Harry barely looked unscathed other than a cut on his lip.

"Belle, he came at me first." He started.

"Don't call me that!" I cut him off bitterly. I could sense everyone watching me. "My names Katherine." I said. He looked at me surprised.

"Have I done something?" He asked.

"Stop it." I said, annoyed of his pretence. "And leave me alone." With that I turned away getting into the car after Ben, Will and Caroline. As she drove away, I stole a glance at him. He just stood there.

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