Chapter 33

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Chapter 33:

I sat in my calculus class, tapping the end of my pencil against my notebook vigourously. Students were still filing into the class room. Our teacher had just arrived, placing her books on the desk and grabbing the chalk. The seat next to me was still empty. My blood boiled as the reasons to why it was vacant played in my head. I clenched my teeth together wanting to really snap my pencil in half.

"Okay, so students, today's lesson is on..." The teacher began in her thick Russian accent. Just than Harry walked into the classroom.

"Ah, Mr. Styles, so nice of you to join us, THIS late into the class." She said glaring at him.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I got caught up with someone" he said with a grin. My fists clenched together this time.

"Go take your seat." She said shaking her head. He nodded and made his way to the back of the class. His eyes fell on me, holding my gaze as he approached the seat beside me. Pathetic, disgusting dirtbag! He actually had the nerve to look me in the eye after he knew I saw his show with Eva. He took his seat and I kept my head straight, looking at the front of the class and ignoring him. I could sense him staring at me.

"Mr. Styles, I'm at the front of the class." Mrs. Kent yelled annoyed. Everyone turned around to look at us. I could feel my cheeks flare.

"I was a bit distracted, ma'am." He said innocently with a smile.

"Well, keep your eyes up here." She turned back to the chalk board.

"So your mad at me now?" He asked in a hushed tone. I glared at him.
"Just wanted to ask if its for something I actually did, or was accused of doing this time?" I narrowed my eyes but didn't answer.

"Ms. Doyle! Eyes up here !!" Mrs. Kent suddenly yelled making me jump. "What will it take to keep you two away from each other?" She asked. There was a snicker through the class. I turned away from him, embarrassed. For the remainder of the class I didn't give him any attention. When the bell finally rang I gathered my things to leave along with everyone else.

"So you wanna tell me what I did wrong this time, instead of making me beg?" He asked me. I ignored him, placing the strap of my bag around my shoulder and making my way to the door. Before I could get far though, he caught my wrist.

"Don't touch me." I said.
He let go, but remained in front of me. His jaw was tight and his fists clenched.

"I'm not mad at you. Cuz what you do and don't do and with whom you do it with, doesn't effect me in anyway." I said. I turned and left the class.

* *

It was lunch and I sat out with my friends. Anna tossed me a brownie. I smiled but refused it.

"Are you alright?" She asked. They all knew now about the receipt and the make out session this morning.

"I'm fine"

"No your not!" Caroline interrupted.

"I'm fine! Why wouldn't I be?" I asked.

"Cuz you just found out that Harry didn't pull the one night stand thing with you and you really like him but now he broke your heart cuz of that witch, Eva!" Caroline finished.

"I'm fine." I said again.

"Look, Kat, you can tell us." Bonnie added.

"Guys, I'd be broken hearted if I liked him. But I don't! I don't care what he does." I said.

I knew they didn't believe me but they didn't push it. All of a sudden Eva and her friends passed our table laughing.

"Well can you blame him for dumping that pathetic child for a real woman." She chimed out loud for everyone to hear. "He's taking me out on a date tonight! I knew he would."
I looked down at my food.
"He finally found some good taste" she said. Anna was just about to get up when I grabbed her hand pulling her down. I shook my head. Eva and her friends laughed and walked away.

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