Chapter 36

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Chapter 36:

"What?!" I asked.

"What?" He asked back.

"What did you say?"

"What did I say?"



"You said your bed?" I said frustrated.

"Yeah, I know."

"What do you mean take your bed ? That's what I'm asking!!"

"What's wrong with my bed?" He asked.

It frustrated me how he didn't understand the whole problem there was with the bed.

"The couch is fine." I stated.

"Yeah, I know. The couch is fine, it's a beautiful couch." He said arching his brow.

"No! I meant I'm fine on the couch! What I'm TRYING to say is," I sucked in a breath. "I can sleep on the couch!"

"Nice to know. Your still going to sleep on my bed." He said walking away.

"No, I'm fine on the couch. If its too much trouble, I'm sorry. I'll go to Anna's or something." I said.
He looked at me long and hard. Than started towards me. Coming really close he finally spoke.

"It's the middle of the night and your going to sleep on my bed. Stop arguing." He said almost menacingly. He turned and walked back to the kitchen. "Did you eat anything?" He called from the other room.

It amazed me how he went from one mood to another so quickly. I looked down at my bandaged forearms.

"I'm not hungry." I mumbled.

* *

I was hesitant of Harry and he new it clearly. I didn't trust him, not as much as I almost did once. He was foreign. I realized in the las few days that I knew nothing about him and so it's best if I assumed the worst. He cleared his bed for me and handed me a white t-shirt and sweat pants. He grabbed a pillow and gently left the bedroom, shutting the door. He didn't try to make any conversation, and kept physical contact to a minimal. Maybe he gave up. When the door closed I looked around. Everything was neat and tidy. There was a queen size bed, a shelf and a wardrobe. I slowly placed the clothes he handed me on the bed and looked at a frame on the shelf. It was the only sign of any...personality or hint of ownership in the room- other than the clothes. In the picture was a pretty blond haired girl. She was beautiful. She had her arms wrapped around Harry's neck with a wide grin spread on her face. Harry looked really young in the picture, and he shared the same goofy grin. He looked so innocent. What happened? I went back to the bed and, checking the door once more if it was locked, I took off my shirt, wincing as the material touched my arms, and put on his shirt. Removing my skinny jeans I put on his sweats-which were a size too big. I Removed them deciding that the shirt was long enough. I sat down on his bed and hugged my knees. An uncomfortable thought came into my head. How many girls had been in this very bed with Harry? I carefully lay my head down on his pillow and my mind went to Tom. I gulped. I have to go back there. Sooner or later I have to go back, ...and he'll be waiting.

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