Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

I opened up my locker the next morning. Slowly taking my books out I stashed them inside and swapped them for new ones.

"Kate." Came a soft voice. I turned to see Anna. She pulled me into a tight hug. "Are you alright." She asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. "

"Will told me about everything that happened last night." I pulled away from her and locked my locker. We were still a bit early for class so I sat down on the floor where Anna did the same.

"I'm fine" I said again.

"You have to get away from him." She whispered.

"I'm fine."

"Kate, your not fine, you have to leave him." I shook my head. "Where's your Aunt, is she back yet. You have to call"

"I said I'm fine Anna! God damn it! Just drop it! I have no Aunt coming to rescue me!" I suddenly exploded. She froze. I took in a deep breath. "I'm sorry."'I mumbled.

"Don't apologize."

"It's... I'm fine" the bell rang. We got up and walked to our classroom.

It was lunch and by now Will, Nate, Anna and I had put on our masks of 'everything's okay' and began our conversations of nothing. Caroline and Bonnie were clueless as usual.

"So my date went amazing!" Caroline squealed.

"And your test?" Anna asked.

"...Pretty good"

"so how was Micheal?" Bonnie asked.

"He's amazing ! We're going out again tonight"

"how nice." I said sarcastically.

"Oh come on Kat, your not still mad at me are you gurl??" She asked. I glared at her.

"Who's Michael?" Nate asked, trying to act casual. He sat beside Will and James, James was one of Nate's friends he always brought along.

"He's on the basketball team! Get with the program people! I've said this a zillion times now!" Caroline wined.

"Um, you've said this twice, ever since you went out yesterday." I clarified.

"and don't blame us if no one knows your guy!" Anna added.

"Not funny!" Caroline said stubbornly.

"Speaking of not funny, where's your phone Kate! I've been trying to reach you last night but you never picked up." Bonnie asked.

"I don't know, I haven't found it ever since yesterday."

"Perfect." She said rolling her eyes.

We were all seated around the picnic tables set on field.

"Hey that new kid's coming this way." James said.

Suddenly everyone went quite. I looked up to see Harry walking towards us. As he stopped in front of me.

"Belle," he said. I could feel everyone's eyes boring down on me. "I have something of yours," slipping his hand into his pocket, he pulled out my phone.

"My phone." I said a bit surprised.

"You left it in my car last night." He extended the last two words longer than necessary. Oh god! I could see the treading evil grin that had stretched across his face. I bit my lip. He was doing this purposely!!

"Um, thanks." I said taking it from him.

"You should be careful next time. You seem to be a bit clumsy." He looked over at the rest and gave them a smile, and walked off.

It had barely been thirty seconds before they all turned to me in unison and,

"You were in his car last night?!?"

Face palm!

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