Chapter 15

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Chapter 15:

He picked up his drink and took a sip.

"Fine, I'm all yours." Harry said.

"Thank you!" I said with a sigh of relief.

"Come on, lets go to a table" he said. We got to one and he pulled a chair for me.

"Styles! Come on, one more round!" Someone yelled from across the room. It was Rick, that guy I had met the other day. He walked over to our table. That's when he got a good look at me.

"Hey, don't I know you?!" He said. Great. I looked over at Harry to tell me what to do. He just smiled.

"No, I don't think we've met." I lied. He squinted his eyes at me.

"You sure about that?" He asked. That's when another guy came up behind him.

"No man, that's Harry's girl!" He said.

"Harry's girl?" I repeated.

"Would you two leave!" Harry said.

"Fine, but your not leaving till I whip your ass in poker styles." Rick said menacingly before leaving.

"Is that what they call you, Styles?" I asked. He shrugged. "Are you always here? People seem to know you a little too well." I said.

"Well your observant." He Replied. I opened up my copy of hamlet, ignoring his comment.

"So here's the deal. We're adding the conversation Ophelia has with hamlet and we are placing it before he does the whole rude speech as he realizes her father's watching." I said. He looked at the book long and hard. "You didn't read hamlet did you?" I asked. He raised a brow. "Oh wow, of course!" I said.

"Your quick to judge." He whispered.

"I judge correctly!" I said. "You have no idea what's happening with hamlet do you?" I said with a sigh.

"To be or not to be, that is the question." He started.

"Yeah Harry, everyone knows that much." I said.

"Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against the sea of troubles and by opposing end them, to die to sleep. No more and by sleep we say to end the headache and thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to. Tis a consummation devotedly to be wished. To die to sleep, to sleep perchance to dream. Aye there the rub for in that sleep of death what dreams may come. When we have shuffled off this mortal coil. Must give is pause for that so what makes calamity of so long life, for who can bare the whips and scorns of time. The proud mans contumely, the pangs of despised love... Shall I continue" I sat there with my mouth wide open. "Don't be so quick to judge Belle" he whispered.

"Oh" was all I managed to utter. He smiled.

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