Chapter 50

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Teenage Dirtbag:

chapter 50:

I sat in the silence of my room. My gaze went to the clock. It was 12. What did I do? Why did tell him to come this late? Knowing him, he wouldn't look twice at the clock. I've asked him to come and he will. He's literally going to ring the doorbell any minute and aunt Jenna ...I felt sick. Her words about my dad came back, about my mum came back. Oh god. I quickly grabbed for my phone and dialled Harry's number. A few seconds later he answered.

"Harry, I'm sorry, I don't know why I called you here. Just don't bother coming, okay? I'm perfectly fine. I was just being a bit over dramatic." I rushed.

"Well I'm already here." He spoke. There wasn't a hint of hesitation. "And I'm not leaving without seeing you." He answered in the same toneless voice.

He was being his stubborn self and there was no way I'd get him to change his mind! "You can't be here Harry! Please! It's late and...aunt Jenna" I trailed off. There was a moments pause till he finally spoke.


Fine? Fine what? Was he really leaving? I found myself a bit disappointed.

"Your windows open right?" He asked causally.

"What?" I stuttered.

"Your window?" He asked again.

I looked up at my window confused. What's he doing? Suddenly the realization dawned to me but before I could say anything the phone went dead. I gulped and crawled to the window on my knees like a child. I peaked over the window sill to see Harry at the bottom. He took one glance at me and then, to my horror, he grabbed a hold of the down pipe just right of my window. Gripping the edge he climbed a few feet up. Oh my god!! He stepped on the railing of the small wooden patio and than hoisted himself up till he was hanging from the edge small sun roof just above the back door. He pulled himself up onto the roof and was finally eye level with me as I stared through my window, bewildered. I could look at the concentration on his face. He was still a metre or two to the right of my window. There was a small ledge across the house that ran parallel to the ground. He carefully placed his foot on the ledge. Oh god! I gulped, watching nervously. He stepped off the roof and was on the ledge completely. I stepped back from my window, praying silently. After a few seconds I saw his hand grip the side of my window. Thank you!!!!! He slipped in through the open window, into my room, a slight bit out of breath but otherwise unharmed. He hadn't even finished brushing the ivy from the side of the building off his leather jacket before I lunged into his arms. He swayed back a bit from the impact, chuckling.

"What the hell was that?" I asked, buried in his chest.


"Who told you to scalp the side of my house like King Kong?! You could have fallen!" I shoved him away, angry. He laughed some more, grabbing my hand and pulling me back into him.

"I have to admit, I've never had to work this hard to get into a girl's room before." He said. The smile left my face and I turned away, taking a few unbalanced steps forward. To my surprise, he suddenly came behind me, scooping me up and walking towards my bed to place me on top. He stepped back and pulled off his leather jacket in a swift motion, tossing it to the side. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt. He looked at me seriously now, all the humour gone. "What happened?" I had almost forgotten what had happened prior to his arrival. It was amazing how every thing except him became fuzzy whenever he came near me. What happened? Was I really going to tell him about my mum and dad? I couldn't do that. What would I say? Where would I begin?

"It's nothing, I told you" I said weakly. He looked at me long and hard, narrowing his eyes. My gaze drifted to the ground...anywhere but his green intense stare.

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