Chapter 45

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Chapter 45:

Katherine's POV:

I opened my eyes slowly, groaning as the sudden daylight blinded me. My head was pounding feeling way too heavy for my neck. I tried to sit up but a sharp pain stabbed my back. Wincing and gasping I fell back. Where am I? I looked around. Everything was white and sanitary. This is a hospital? What am I doing here? Suddenly memories came flooding back as I recalled Tom. Oh god! "Help!" I cried. "Is anyone here??!" How long was I out? A nurse suddenly came into the room along with an anxious Caroline.

"Kat" Caroline called.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Ms. Doyle, you've recently undergone some surgery for back injuries." The nurse explained.

"It hurts when I get up." I said worried.

"As expected. Give it a few days and some crutches till you get back to normal. Everything's fine other than that." She replied.

"Kat, how are you feeling?" Caroline asked me.

"Wheres Tom?" I couldn't stop myself from asking.

She turned to the nurse. "Can we have a minute please." She kindly asked.

The nurse nodded. "I'll get you something to eat." She said leaving us alone.

"He's locked up! Where he belongs!" Caroline said bitterly. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Your fine now"
I nodded. "Kat, alot of stuff happened while you were asleep." She said urgently.

"What?" I asked hesitantly.

Just than the door burst open and to my surprise, Nate came running through. "I got the message, your awake!!" He yelled. He ran to me, pulling me into a bear hug. I winced and he quickly let go.

"When did you get back?" I asked.

"Yesterday." He replied.

"You left before the end of your scholarship?" I asked disapprovingly. He shrugged.

"Your okay! That's all that matters." He said. I smiled. Caroline looked like she was about to speak when Anna, Will and Bonnie came into the room. They all took turns hugging me and asking me about my health. Everyone looked so happy.

"God, Kat, you had us worried sick!" Bonnie said.

"Everything's okay now." Anna said. We all sensed it!

"Where's Harry?" I asked. Caroline, Anna and Will suddenly tensed.

"He's down the hall but he got the message, he's coming." Bonnie said completely normal.

"You have to fill me in on that! I leave you for three weeks and he's the one you hook up with?" Nate said wide eyed. I bit my lip trying to hide my smile. As if on cue, Harry came into the room. His anxious eyes hurriedly fell upon mine and he made his way over to me. He pulled me into a hug.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, still not letting me go.

"Better." I whispered.

"Bro, you can't hog her!" Nate said jokingly. I was so happy he didn't seem angry about Harry. I laughed as Harry turned and rolled his eyes at my brother.

"I've earned the right to hog her, bro." Harry said repeating his words. I noticed that the edgy ness in the rest seemed to have eased. Maybe I was imagining it. The door opened once more and we all turned in the direction. I froze, the smile leaving my face as I took in who was standing in front of me.

"How are you feeling now?" The woman spoke.

"What are you doing here?" I asked barely louder than a whisper. Harry gripped my hand.

"Kat, it's aunt Jenna." Nate said confused by my expression.

"I know who it is," I said in a toneless voice. "I want to know why she's here."

"I'm here to see you, Katie." She said with a smile.

"Why?" I asked. "What do you want?"

Aunt Jenna sighed and held the door wide open. "Can we get a moment please." She said softly hinting for the others to leave.

They all gave me an anxious look and exited. By Caroline's expression, I could tell that this was what she was trying to tell me. Nate looked at me confused.

"Kat it's fine." He said.

"Nate why don't you let your sister and I talk for a bit?" Aunt Jenna said kindly. He nodded obediently and left. It made me angry that my brother was following her requests. Harry remained, still holding my hand, mainly because I didn't let go.

"Any particular reason why your still here?" She asked Harry rather rudely. He didn't reply.

"He's staying right where he is." I said matching her tone. She glared at him but her gaze softened as they fell on me. She sighed and closed the door. The room was silent even though it held the three or us.

"Katie" she started.

"I don't understand why your here." I said cutting her off.

"I'm here to take you and Nate with me." She said confused.


"What do you mean why? Kat I'm here for my niece and nephew."

"I mean, why now? Why do you suddenly care?" I asked.

"I love you both-" she started.

"Save it!" I cut her off bitterly again. "Save all the crap. You and I both know that you don't give a rats ass about Nate and I! If you did, I would have never ended up in this hospital bed!" Harry gave my hand a little squeeze as if to calm me down.

"Kat, I know your angry at me."

"Angry?" I snorted.

"But I do love you both." She finished.

"Yeah? And where was your love when I called you over and over again in the last three years, begging you to take me away from that hell hole? Huh? You knew how Tom was! You knew what he did to us! Where was your love than?"

"You have to understand that I was in financial strain. I couldn't have supported you both." She tried to explain.

"Aunt Jenna, we would have lived off of scraps if it meant to be away from him. Yet you didn't come." I said in disbelief of her words. "Nate might have forgiven you: he might have forgotten how you abandoned us, but I sure as hell won't!" I yelled.

"Yeah?!" She suddenly yelled. "And where are you going to go Kat, if not with me? Where are you going to take Nate? Your both under eighteen, you need an adult just to sign you out of this damn hospital! As soon as a social worker gets their hands on you, you and your brother will be sent away to different foster homes! You want that for Nate?!"

I didn't reply. She took in a breath to calm herself. "I'm here for you now. I'm sorry, Kat but let me help you now." She explained softly again. She wanted me to give her something but I didn't answer.

"Belle." Harry suddenly said softly. I almost completely forgot he was there, so caught up in my own world. "You should go with her." He said. Aunt Jenna looked at him cautiously. Did she not like him? Did something happen between them while I was out? "At the end of the day she's your family." He reasoned in a calm voice.

"Will you let take you home? Your real home?" Aunt Jenna asked.

"Okay." I said under my breath. She was right. I'm not going to be deprecated from my brother! Even if it meant living with her. She walked over to me and sat down at the side of the bed. She stroked my hair like my mum once did. She reminded me of my mum so much, it hurt!

"I love you Kat. Your my sisters baby! I'll take care of you now." I smiled inwardly as my mind raced back to the last person who said that. I could tell he had the same thought as he squeezed my hand again. I sighed and nodded. She placed a kiss on my forehead which I tried not to pull away from and than got onto her feet. She gave Harry another glare and than left the room. Harry sat down beside me and immediately pulled me into a kiss. I laughed at his urgency, feeling at ease once more.

"God, Belle! I missed you so much!" He mumbled against my lips. I pulled away.

"Why do I feel like my aunt hates you?" I asked him. He shrugged.

"She's been looking at me funny since the moment she saw me in this room." He said. "Have you forgiven her?" He asked me quietly.

"I don't know..." I whispered back. He nodded and then leaned back into me.

"I have something for you." He quickly said, placing a kiss on my cheek.

"What?" I asked.

But than the door opened and everyone came pouring back in. Harry rolled his eyes in frustration while I was engulfed in conversation once more with everyone at once. Aunt Jenna sat patiently at the foot of my bed, watching everyone. She acted like the parent in the room watching over the kids. That pissed me off. I also didn't like the way she looked at Harry. There was defiantly going to be trouble.

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