Chapter 28

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Chapter 28:

I was dressed and ready to leave. Just than my phone buzzed. Anna picked it up scanning the screen.

"Harry Styles " she read out loud like a disapproving mother. I was placing my books into my bag. Though we were close about everything Anna was still the only one who cared about privacy. I nodded to her, giving her permission, and she unlocked the phone and put it on speaker.

"Hey!" Harry's voice came.

"Um, Harry this is Anna. You're on speaker." Anna said awkwardly

"Oh, well in that case, it's a pleasure to finally talk to you Anna." He said politely. I grinned at Anna while she rolled her eyes.

"You too." She said without amusement.

"Is Belle there?" He asked.

"You mean Katherine?" Anna asked.

"Yeah I'm here," I called from across the room.

"Do you want me to come now?" He asked.

Right he was supposed to pick me up. I glanced at Anna who shrugged.

"Harry, Anna's already here with her car. How bout we meet you at school?"

"Oh, alright." There was disappointment clear in his voice. "I'll see you than." He hung up the phone. I looked at Anna biting my lip.

"Oh god he sounds like a sad little puppy." She said.

"I know!!!" I yelled.

"Well, he sounds like he really likes you..."

"So you'll give him a chance!" I said excitedly. She didn't answer but I took that as a yes!! "Haha, yes!!"

* *

Anna parked into the parking lot and I barely got out of my car before Caroline and Bonnie spotted us and came running.

"Gurl, you've got a lot of explaining to do!!" Caroline said wiggling her finger and arching her brow. The lot was crowded with students. I spotted Eva and her friends on the other side, most likely gossiping. We began walking toward the school while everyone chattered before I realized I left my bag.

"Anna my bag." I said.

She shook her heard and tossed me her car keys. They waited for me there as I quickly jogged back to the car. I opened up the back seat and and pulled my bag out. Tossing it over my shoulder I turned around only to hit a hard surface. I looked up to see Harry who was standing in front of me.

"Why do I feel like you're running away from me?" He asked. I laughed.

"Cuz I am, get a hint styles!" I said over exaggerating it. I tried to pass him when he placed his hand in front of my path and pulled me into him. I sensed every eye in the parking lot watching me but somehow, being engulfed in his warmth, I didn't care.

"Well guess what Doyle, once this beast catches his prey, you can kiss your freedom goodbye." He growled into my ear, leaving a kiss on my neck. I playfully pushed him away, arching my brow.

"Is that so?"

"Mmhm." He nodded, his hands wrapped around my waist. I looked over his shoulder at my friends who were still waiting for me. Anna had seen us before so she didn't seem phased much but both Caroline and Bonnie's mouths hung open. Past them I saw Eva who was shocked and something more...maybe angry. I didn't care.

"Okay I really have to go." I said pulling away from him. He looked over his shoulder at my friends.

"Ate you seriously trying to run away from me?" He asked innocently.

"No" I laughed. "But I'll see you later okay."

"Fine" he said walking in the other direction now.
I jogged back to them.

"What?" Was the only word Caroline could manage.

"Explain." Bonnie added.

"Um, where's Will?" I asked blushing. They glared at me.

* *

It was lunch as we sat at our regular spot. By now I filled everyone in.

"Okay, I'm going to say it because I deserve to! I TOLD YOU SO!!" Caroline said, her arms flaring. We all rolled our eyes.

"But you guys are adorable!" Bonnie added.

"And that is the most perfect first date ever!" Caroline gushed.

"And it sounds so sweet!" Bonnie squealed.

I laughed, embarrassed.

"Yeah" Anna said, who was quiet this whole time. "it is ...cute and if you like him. I'm okay with him." she said. I pulled her into a hug. "Yeah yeah" she said annoyed. Just than Will came. He looked a bit angry. He sat down on our table.

"So everyone's talking about the new couple." He said looking at me hard. "Glad I'm one of the last to find out." He probably felt betrayed but even more, he just looked pure angry with something.

"Will," I was about to explain the circumstances when Caroline elbowed me. "What?" I asked.
She nodded towards Eva and two other girls walking my way.

"Some one let the dogs out." She said under her breath. Eva walked up to our table, looking at me as if no one else was here.

"So I've seen you with Harry." She said bluntly.

"Okay, yeah everyone has. What's your point." Anna asked as if she was speaking to an idiot. Eva glared at her for while before turning back to me.

"Your his choice for this week eh?" She said eyeing me.

"Wow, Eva are you really that jealous?" Caroline asked snorting.

"Shut up please." She said to her. She turned back to me. "You don't really think he's going to keep you, do you?" I didn't reply.

"Why don't you find something better to do?" Will now said.

"Where did he take you last night for your date?" Eva asked ignoring him.

"Why do you care?" I finally said.

"Cuz I know he pulled the whole broken car bit on you like he does to every girl." My face paled and I suddenly froze. Seeing my reaction a devilish smirk grew on her and she knew she hit bullseye.

"What are you talking about?" I mumbled. Everyone's eyes were on me.

"Oh please, you didn't really think there was a date? He stopped the car in the middle of the road like he always does and went ahead and banged you and girl you followed him like a mouse on a cheese trail." She said evilly.

"Stop talking." I whispered.

All Eva's girls started laughing. In fact, she was talking so loudly that the entire court yard was now watching me.

"I'm right and you know it." She said. "And you poor girl, really thought he had feelings for you."

"Stop" I whispered again. My chest tightened and I suddenly felt my hands shaking.

"And that whole act in the parking lot, what do you think that was, affection?" She snorted. "That's his final signature, to let everyone know he claimed you just like he claimed every other girl." She laughed out loud. I felt my eyes suddenly burn. I couldn't look at anyone. Caroline, Will, Bonnie, and Anna all stared at me with...pity. Everyone was starring at me, the whole school. I could hear whispering and snickering around me. I closed my eyes feeling the tears. Eva's laughter rang loudly in my ears. I quickly got to my feet and ran blindly out of the court yard. Eva's laugh still followed me. I ran as fast as I could, away from everyone. How could I have been so stupid?!

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