Chapter 14

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Chapter 14:

I walked to the entrance of the bar where a very lay on the steps. Ummm..... Do I walk over him?? I tried to go around him but as I tried, he suddenly awoke from his drunken haze and grabbed a hold of my ankle. I let out a shriek and kicked at him, making him let go. I quickly ran inside. The thick scent of alcohol, cigarettes and other colourful substances hit me like a brick wall. The lights where dimmed and the place was crowded. I carefully tried to weave my way through. There were a couple of men seated on the bar stools. One noticed me and said,

"hey Pretty lady, haven't seen you around." Now considering the fact that he looked about as drunk as a horse, I decided to choose a careful reply to that.

"Um, I'm actually looking for someone, Harry" I said.

"Aw Styles? What do you want from a guy like him? Come with me sweetheart and I'll show you a fun time!" He slurred. I raised my brow. Is he serious?

"Lay off sweet cheeks." Came a woman's voice from behind me. I turned to see a tall, slender, black haired woman. She was incredibly beautiful, anyone could see that, and unlike me, she seemed to be in control of this place and the drunks within it. She looked over at me with a spectacle expression. "You must be Katherine." She said slowly. I was a bit surprised at how she knew. Seeing my expression she went on, "Harry's let me know to keep an eye out for you. He gave me quite a vivid description, it'd be hard for anyone to miss you." I don't know how to take that so instead I said.

"Where is he?"

"Follow me." She took me to the back of the bar and it felt like going deeper into the cave. There where more drunk men around the tables. We went into the pool and poker area of the bar. As we approached a poker table that was surrounded by a couple of men, there was one with his back to us. She slowly slid her arm around his neck. I watched awkwardly.

"Your girl's here" she whispered to him. He turned around and I was looking straight at Harry now. He gave a smile than whispered something back to the girl and she looked at him (longingly...I think) and walked away.

"Belle, you made it!" He said. I looked around the table. Harry seemed to have the most amount of chips. I was pretty amazed. They all turned over their cards now one by one. One guy had double kings, the other had triple queens. They looked at Harry with a smirk.

"Looks like you've lost this one Styles!" One of the guys said laughing. He half proceeded to take the chips from the centre of the table.

"How about you hold on there kid." Harry said glaring at the guy. "Belle, turn these over for me." He handed me his hand. Confused I took it. One by one I turned the cards. They all stared at me. First came a jack, than came another jack. Than came ....a five.

"Aw you poor sap!" The other man chimed. Harry's smirk didn't seem to shift. I turned the two last cards over. ...two more jacks!

"Ah GOD DAMN IT!" Both men yelled in unison, throwing their glasses across the room. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Sorry children, tonight's my lucky night!" Harry looked over at me with a grin. .... "Hand it over sweethearts!" He said. One by one they all emptied their wallets. Harry gathered everything up and slid it into his pocket.

"So this is where you spend your time?" I said giving him a disapproving look.

"You've got your hobbies..." He looked down at me and I suddenly felt uncomfortable. "I've got mine." He finished.

"Yeah okay, here's my hobby, finishing my work! Lets go!!" I said.

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