Chapter 27

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Chapter 27:

I was in Anna's car now as she drove me to my house.

"So what happened last night?" She asked me. My attention turned to her distracting me from the current tension of meeting Tom. "Why are you smiling like that?" She asked hesitantly.

"Like what?" I asked innocently.

"Like that! Like a goof! Kat, don't tell me..."

"He's not that bad Anna."

"You sound like Caroline." She said rolling her eyes.

"I know I do and ....well.....Trust me, just talk to him."

"Yeah yeah so tell me what happened. Where were you last night?"

"Oh, we were driving -" I suddenly stopped as Anna rolled into our drive way. Tom's head was visible through the curtain of the main window. Anna cut the engine.

"Alright," she said taking the deep breath. She didn't meet Tom very often and when she did, I could sense how uncomfortable she felt. ...Like everyone did frankly. We got out and I realized the front door was open. I went in, Anna behind me, and quickly darted for the stairs when I heard his voice.

"Where are you going?" He asked sternly. He wasn't drunk.

"My room. I have to get ready for school." I said in a monotone. My back was still to him.

"Where were you all night?" He asked.

"At Anna's house." I answered without hesitation. He didn't respond so I turned to face him. He eyed Anna up and down. Though Anna was the tough one among us, she was also the innocent one. The one who's never been in moments like these. She's never been in front of a middle aged man who's gaze threatened her and in the situation she looked like she'd shrunk. I quickly put myself in front of her. "I was at Anna's house." I repeated.

"Why?" He asked.

"We had a group project to finish." I answered.

"For what?"


"Really, cuz Anna told me chemistry, last night on the phone."

Shit! "No, she said the chemical signals sent in your nervous system. That's biology." I said keeping a straight face.

He looked at me long and hard.

"What" he started slowly. "Kind of a fool do you take me for you little-" he raised his arm to hit me. I closed my eyes, bracing myself for the impact.

"It's true!" Anna suddenly burst in. "....sir, it's true" she tried to convince him. He looked from her to me with a disgusted expression. He than made his way around us without another word and left the house. I released the breath I was holding and pulled Anna into a hug. "Your okay." She whispered into my ear. I took a second longer before pulling myself together and putting on my okay face.

"Come on" I said guiding her to my room.

It was 7:30 a.m, I glanced at the clock on my night stand as I collected my clothes. Anna lounged on my bed. I had explained to her what happened last night.

"And you like him." She asked. I bit my lip, smiling .

"I don't know."

"Just Kat. Don't rush into anything with him. He can't be trusted." She tired for the last time to explain.

"No, Anna we talked last night and he's not what we thought." I persisted to convince her.

"And how do you know that?"

"I told you-"

"No Kat," she cut me off. "You told me that you guys talked but from what you told me Kat, YOU did all the answering and opening up to him."
I frowned at her, not able to understand. "Think about it. After your conversation last night, what did you find out about him, other than he's sweet and a good listener and all that crap! I mean actual facts. What did you find out, his middle name? That's it. And what does he now know about you? Everything. Nate, Tom, us, he knows everything about you Kat."

I ran this over my head. It's true, I didn't actually learn anything about him. But that couldn't have been done on purpose on his part, could it? No, it was all by chance with the beer bottle. That's it. It's not his fault the thing never landed on him. "He's a sneaky and clever guy, Kat. Be careful... please." She said.

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