Chapter 10

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Teenage Dirtbag:

chapter 10

I got to my front door, unlocking it with my key, and stepped inside. Grabbing the mail on my way in I tossed my bag to the side irritated! He honestly was a pig, there's nothing saying otherwise!

As I climbed up the stairs to the top floor I heard the loud noises of guns and explosives. I peaked into Nate's room, and there I found Nate and Will, flopped on Nate's bed playing video games. Nate than spotted me and suddenly sat up.

"Where have you been young lady!" He said in a stern parental voice. I rolled my eyes. "Did you see that William! What are we going to do with today's youth?" He said giving a disapproval shake of his head.

"When did you get here?" I asked Will.

"A while ago, where have you been?" I briefly considered telling him about Harry but quickly changed my minds.

"I was at the library. I totally forgot you were coming. Sorry!"

"It's alright." He said putting down his remote control.

"Your leaving right when your about to lose!" Nate suddenly said.

"Please, I kicked your ass so many times in this game, kid!" Will answered.

"Big talk for a guy who doesn't show much action! And don't call me kid, I'm only a year younger than you two."

"Still a kid in my eyes, how about you Will?"

"A complete child!" He said playing along. We knew this always pissed him off. To tell you the truth, my brother was actually quite built for a sixteen year old. Anyone who took one look at him would say that I was his younger sister.

We heard the door downstairs suddenly slam shut. There was a string of curses followed by heavy footsteps making the floor boards creek as they came up the steps. Tom emerged at the top of the steps, his pot belly sticking out, his hair messed up and the stench of alcohol coming from his breath. He took a glance at Will.

"What the hell's he doing here?"

"It's Will, Tom." I softly said.

"I know who he goddamn is! He's here all the time on top of you! I'm asking why the hell's he's here!!" He shouted. I held my breath. Will, didn't move or flinch.

"Come on," I whispered, grabbing a hold of his arm and tugging him into my room.

"Don't f***** walk away from me you b*****!" Tom clasped my arm pulling me back. Pain shot in through my hand.

"DONT TOUCH HER!!!" Nate yelled coming into the hall.

Will immediately pushed Tom off me. I held onto my arm. To my horror, Tom suddenly grabbed Will's neck.

"Listen, kid, your in my house! My house, my rules, my b*****! Now get out before I kick you out!" Nate threw himself at Tom, but with one good shove, Nate was on the floor. Tom was physically bigger than all of us combined.

"Tom!" I yelled. "Let him go!!" Tom looked over at me, a disgusted look on his face. He let go of Will's neck and Will fell onto the ground coughing. Tom walked over to me. He suddenly grabbed my hair pulling it. I cried out in pain.

"I don't want to see him here, got it." Tears streamed down my face as I nodded. He let go and walked passed us into his room, slamming the door. I pulled both Nate and Will up and dragged them out of the house and onto the porch. We sat there quietly. Nate was fuming with anger. I wiped my tears away.

"Nate, get some water for Will." I said quietly.

"One day I'm going to beat the shit out of him so bad !"

"Nate, go!" He looked at me menacingly and than headed inside.

"Will I'm soo sorry!" I spoke

"Why are you still here?" He whispered, looking off to the distance. "Why do you put up with him." I sat on the steps placing a hand on my forehead.

"I don't know, I, I just want to sometimes-" I stopped, calmed myself down and gave a new answer. "For Nate." I whispered.

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