Chapter Eight: Your More Trouble Than Your Worth

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I woke up to some sounds downstairs. I sat up and yawned, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I looked at my clock.

8:02 PM. I must have slept for a while. I stood up and left my room, heading downstairs to feed my hungry stomach.

I stopped in my tracks and hid behind a wall when I heard talking in the kitchen. It was my Dad and Sarah.

"Where is she now?", I heard my dad ask.

"Upstairs. I think she's sleeping", Sarah replied.

"Was she okay?", he asked. We're they talking about me?

"I hope so", Sarah sighed. I paused for a moment to make sure I heard that clearly. Sarah hopes I'm okay?

It's probably an act.

I walked into the kitchen, yawning to make it look like I had just come down.

They turned to me as I walked to the fridge. I pulled out a Monster and clicked the cap open.

They watched me as I leaned on the counter and took a sip. I looked between both of them.

"What?", I asked. My Dad cleared his throat and answered.

"Just talking. Are you hungry?", he asked. I shrugged.

"We can order in if you want", Sarah offered. I pressed my lips in a firm line and studied them.

"I'll just make something here", I said, hopping off the counter and opening the cupboards. I grabbed a box of cereal and put it in a bowl.

I love Lucky Charms.

"Alex", my Dad said. I set the milk down and turned to him. "We're going out tonight. Will you be fine here?", he asked.

"Yeah", I said and put the milk away. I chugged the rest of the monster and grabbed a spoon.

"Okay. Call if you need anything", he said and grabbed the keys. He kissed my forehead and they left.

I sighed once their car pulled away. I really just need to get things off my mind.

I took the bowl of cereal with me into the living room and set it down on the coffee table. I put in the 'American Idiot' CD by Green Day.

I sighed happily and put the volume up. I lifted my feet on the other side of the couch and grabbed the bowl.

I sat there for a while, just relaxing and eating cereal. Right now I wasn't worrying about the counselor or Sarah bugging me.

I wasn't worried about Tony being hurt by Chase. I wasn't worried about my grades.

I was in peace.

I let Green Day serenade me into a peacful sleep.


"Alex", a voice said. I groaned and shut my eyes tighter, snuggling into the soft cushion.

"Lex, wake up. You have school", my Dad's voice ordered. I muttered a string of curse words and ignored him.

"You asked for it", I heard. I was about to sit up and declare that I was awake, when I felt a splash of ice cold water on my face.

I jolted up with a gasp.

"Never gets old", my Dad laughed. I wiped the water from my face and glared at him.

"You did not", I said lowly. He laughed but when he saw the look on my face he snapped his mouth shut and rose his hands in surrender.

The Bad Girl And The Shy Boy: Tony PerryWhere stories live. Discover now