Chapter 40: Final

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Alex's P.O.V:

After that passionate night in LA, we spent the rest of the weekend in the hotel together.

Then when Monday morning came we packed up and drove back to San Diego.

I also told Tony about that guy, Vic, and his offer to join their band.

Tony seemed nervous but he agreed to give it a shot.

I accompanied him on his 'try out' to the band and they said they had already found a bassist and just needed a lead guitarist, then the band would be set.

When Tony auditioned, the guy's jaws dropped. Literally.

He performed the same song he did at the talent show and blew then away.

Needless to say, they wanted him in their band.

Tony was estatic and agreed to join, so we spent the day with the guys, getting to know the rest of Tony's new bandmates, who's names we learned as Vic, Mike, and Jaime.

They seemed like good guys and hit it off with Tony pretty well, despite his shyness.

It's been about seven months since we graduated and I got offered a job as a tattoo artist once I finished my training.

Right now, I was putting on my shoes. I was going to another one of Tony's gigs.

I hadn't missed one and I didn't plan to.

They named the band Pierce The Veil, which was a pretty sweet name.

"Dad, I'm going out", I called as I padded down the stairs.

Yes, I still lived with my Dad for now. Tony and I planned on getting an apartment together soon.

"Alright. Be safe!", he called back from the living room.

I grabbed my keys and left the house, going to my car.

For my 19th birthday, my Dad and Sarah got me a sweet car. Not too expensive but nice on the eyes.

For Tony's 19th birthday, which was a couple months before mine, he also got a car. It turned out to be the one we drove to Los Angeles a while back.

I unlocked the door and hopped inside, buckling up and starting the car.

It roared to life and the guy's first demo CD played.

I tapped along to the beat as I drove to the bar downtown where the gig was held.

It was a pretty popular bar. Alot of rising bands played there, so this was definitely an achievement.

There were rumors that some managers for labels went there to check out the bands, kind of like scouts.

I parked the car and locked it, then went inside.

I was still too young to drink, but I mean...I'm Alex Michaels.

I flashed my fake ID at the guy and he let me inside.

I got myself a drink and stood by the stage, where the guys were setting up.

"Oh my god it's Tony Perry of Pierce The Veil! Have my babies!", I squealed in a high pitched voice.

Tonys head snapped towards me and he grinned.

He hopped off the stage and pulled me into him.

His arms were almost covered in tattoos now. Me likey.

"You sound like a crazy groupie for Justin Bieber", Tony laughed.

"I'm only a groupie for you, babe", I winked.

The Bad Girl And The Shy Boy: Tony PerryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora