Chapter 29: Self Control

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Alex's P.O.V:

  "You can explain? Really. Then go ahead. Enlighten me. Why the hell are you spying on me Tony?", I asked, feeling anger rise in my body.

  "Look...I just overheard you talking to someone on the phone and I got a little suspicious so I kinda followed you-", I cut him off.

"You got suspicious? What did you think I was doing? Drugs? Cheating on you? Killing someone? Why don't you trust me?!", I asked.

  If there was one thing I hated, it was not being trusted.

Yeah. I do get why I may not seem like the most trustworthy person in our school, or maybe even town, but catching someone I trust and care about spying on me makes me feel like he thinks I'm just some bad person.

"No! It was none of that, okay? Look I was just worried that you might get into some kind of trouble-", he cut himself off when he realised how that sounded.

"Oh yeah huh. Cause I'm just trouble. All I do is cause trouble right?", I asked, coldly.

"No, that's not what I meant. I just was worried okay? I couldn't help myself", he said. His eyes showed a depth of honesty in them.

"What were you so worried about?", I asked, staring at him straight in the eyes.

"I didn't want you to get hurt", he said, quietly.

"Why though? Why we're you so paranoid that I was going to get myself into trouble?", I asked, still slightly angry but calming down.

"Because!", he replied, his voice suddenly held pain and I wasn't sure what to think of it.

  Naturally though, my instincts kicked in and I went straight into comfort mode.

"What's wrong?", I asked, all my anger dissolving immediately and being replaced by worry.

  "Tony ?", I asked. I dropped my duffel bag at my feet and then walked closer to him.

"I just...I can't lose anyone else", he said.

  My face softened and I wrapped my arms around his chest. He responded by resting his head on mine and holding me tightly.

"You won't lose me", I assured him.


  After the whole 'Tony spying on me' thing, I was still feeling a little weird about it, but I realized he genuinely only followed me out of concern.

He still hasn't told me what has made him so cautious about this whole thing, but I won't push it.

  "I can't  believe there's only one more week of senior year left", Tony said.

We were currently in my living room. I was sprawled across the couch with my head resting on Tonys lap.

  "I'm kinda glad, though", I replied, turning my head to look at him.

"Why?", he asked.

"I'm tired of highschool. Aren't you?", I asked.

"Yeah, but in a week we're in the real world", he thought out loud.

"Yeah. What are you gonna do when we graduate?", I asked.

  "Honestly? I have no idea", he chuckled nervously before continuing, "Whatever I do, though, I know it's gonna be music".

  "So like starting a band?", I asked.

"I don't know. With who? My Mom?", he said, sarcastically. I laughed and shook my head.

"No I mean, go to music shops, talk to people", I said.

"I'm not exactly the most social person", he reminded me.

"So? You'll only find something if you look", I said.

"And say I do? I'll just be like 'hey, let's start a band'", he shook his head.

I sat up and faced him.

"Yeah. Do that", I said, being serious. Tony studied me before speaking once again.

"And what would the band name be?", he asked, a humorous grin on his face.

"Something cool and edgy. Like 'Pull The Trigger'", I grinned.

He shook his head and let out a laugh.

"No, that's too...practical. How about 'Trigger My Nightmare'?", I asked.

(A/N: anyone get that? The band Tony and Jaime were in before ptv? Lol)

  Tony shook his head and grinned at me.

"That's not actually bad", he admitted.

"Of course it's not. It was my idea", I said, cockily.

"What about you?", he asked.

I shrugged and leaned against him.

"I'll probably study to be a tattoo artist", I said.

"You'd be great", he said.

  "I guess. Maybe I can throw some graphic design in there somewhere and bam! A job", I said, laughing at the end.

Tony looked at me and grinned, before leaning down and connecting his lips with mine.

I gripped the strings of his hoodie and pulled him closer to me.

The kiss quickly got heated and I somehow ended up straddling him.

  I rocked my body against his, earning a groan from the back of Tonys throat.

  The sound encouraged me, but also brought me back to reality.

I knew if I didn't stop soon, I would have no self control.

  It's not that I wasn't ready, or that I didn't want to be intimate with him, because I did.

But it felt like it wasn't the right time yet.

  I pulled away, breathing heavily and resting my forehead against his.

"I get it if you don't want to do any-", Tony began, thinking I panicked.

  I chuckled and pressed a quick kiss to his lips.

"Oh trust me, I do", I said, my voice low.

  Tony visible gulped, his Adams apple bobbing up and down as he stared at me.

"But not now. It doesn't feel right, yet", I said.

  Tony nodded as if still in a daze and I laughed before pecking his lips and climbing off of him.

  It was harder than I thought, I wanted to just jump back on him and finish what we started.

  I pushed the thought to the back of my head and settled on smirking at Tony instead.

  I really need more self control...

The Bad Girl And The Shy Boy: Tony PerryWhere stories live. Discover now