Chapter 35: Makeup And Toxic Perfume

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Alex's P.O.V:

  Today was the day. The day all that boredom and suffering paid off.

Today was our highschool graduation.

Sarah was running around like a mad man and I was currently drying my hair from my shower.

She forced me into the dress and was running back and forth to gather makeup supplies.

I sighed and turned on my phone to check the time.

6:45 AM

The ceremony didn't start until eight so I really didn't see the rush but whatever.

I turned on Blink-182 and messaged Tony.

Alex: Good morning babe

I smirked as I imagined the blush on his cheeks at the pet name.

I didn't think he was up but to my surprise, he texted back almost instantly.

Tony♡: Morning. I can't wait to see you today :3

I grinned to myself like an idiot and replied:

Alex: Same. I have a suprise for you later on xdx

Tony♡: Really? You didn't have to. And I do too. I hope you like it...

I brushed off the flips my stomach was doing and typed a quick reply as I heard Sarah's footsteps come closer.

Alex: You didn't have to either...dork. And I'll see you soon. Are you still riding with us??

"Okay. I get that you guys are in love and all...but nows not the time. We are on a tight schedule!", Sarah said, setting a whole bunch of makeup supplies on the desk next to me.

"Yeah yeah", I mumbled.

♡Tony♡: Of course. Love you.

Alex:  Love you too

I put my phone on the desk and put up the volume. Sarah put my hair up and made sure none of it was in my face, which was near inpossible.

Surprisingly, she managed and only used like a hundred Bobby pins.

"Please don't make me look like a drag queen", I mumbled as she spread some type of foundation on my skin.

"Please, I used to work at a makeup studio. When I'm done, you'll look like a model for AP magazine", she grinned.

"Now that doesn't sound too bad", I replied.

And so began the most boring fourty minutes of my life.

Sarah sang along to some songs, which made me respect her just a little more.

I mean, you can't hate someone who likes Blink-182.


But other than that she was swarming me with questions about Tony and I's relationship.

And when I finally got her to stop bugging me about that, she began bugging me about my plans for the future.

I almost ran straight out of the room when she announced she was done.

But instead I held back the urge to book it and go to Tony and instead studied my reflection in the mirror.

I swear I blinked like ten times, expecting the image before me to fade away and be replaced by the actual me.

I have to admit; Sarah was right.

The Bad Girl And The Shy Boy: Tony PerryWhere stories live. Discover now