Chapter 32: The Gay Guy Sure Knows His Dresses

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Alex's P.O.V:

"No that doesn't look right", Sarah repeated the same words for the hundredth time in an hour.

We're in some dress shop and Sarah has forced me to try on just about every dress in the store.

Right now I was modeling a red cocktail dress for her.

"Can I pick my own dress?", I asked, rolling my eyes.

"But you're just going to pick a black rag", she frowned.

God, she was such a kid.

No wonder my Dad married her. They act the same.

"Whatever", I rolled my eyes.

She went over to a rack and groaned in frustration. An employee came up to her with a friendly smile.

"Can I help you ladies with anything?", he asked.

He was attractive, I'll give him that. But he was also too attractive.

Totally a Flaming Homo.

"My d- Alex needs a dress for graduation", Sarah said.

I noticed she corrected herself.  Was she going to call me her daughter?

I felt a pang of guilt. I felt guilty to be shopping with this woman while my mother was six feet deep.

But somehow, it also felt okay.

"Ahh. You don't strike me as the dress type", he said, studying me.

I was still in the red cocktail dress.

"That's exactly the problem", I muttered.

"I might have something for you. Let me measure you", he said, grabbing a tape measure from his back pocket.

He came over and was about to wrap it around my waist.

"Ehem. She has a boyfriend", Sarah said, narrowing her eyes at the guy.

He let out an amused laugh.

"So do I", he winked, and proceeded to measure me.

"Called it", I grinned to myself.

"Oh", Sarah said, sounding mildly surprised.

"That explains why you work in a dress shop", she said to herself.

"Actually, it pays really good", he gave a sly smile.

"I would imagine", Sarah nodded.

"I think I might have just the thing. Wait here", he said.

"Here? But I was gonna go to Narnia", I retorted sarcastically, without even thinking.

I realized how rude that must have sounded and looked at him with a sheepish smile.

He was already chuckling at me, with an amused grin on his face.

"You know, if I weren't a total homo, I'd definitely go for a girl like yourself", he winked.

"Oh yes, cause sarcasm is the most attractive thing that could come out if a females mouth", I replied, my words laced with- you guessed it: sarcasm.

He chuckled and shook his head before walking into a door that read 'Employees Only'.

"I hope they have good dresses in the back. The other stores only have summer dresses", Sarah sighed.

"It's a sign. Me and dresses equals disaster", I replied.

Sarah rolled her eyes but grinned playfully at me.

"I think I've got just the thing", the employee dude said. I read his name tag: Austin.

He handed me a black dress.

Even I have to admit; this dress was amazing.

They rushed me towards the dressing room and I peeled off the red one, replacing it with the black dress.

It was tight at the top and hugged my waist perfectly, showing off curves I didn't even know I had.

It went just above my knees, thankfully protecting my modesty, but still giving off that sexy look.

The dress's colours were hard to express. It had so many shades of black in it, it was as if someone captured actual shadows and laced them to the fabric itself.

I looked at myself in the floor length mirror and rose my eyebrows at myself.

I have to admit; I wasn't wearing any special makeup and the dress still made me look like I was going to walk the red carpet.

I opened the curtain and walked out, biting my lip.

How did it look to them?

"Holy shit", Sarah's response surprised even me. I hadn't heard her cuss at all.

Austin whistled at me and clapped his hands, causing me to roll my eyes, but also feel the heat in my face.

"That's the dress", Sarah grinned.

"I agree. You look like a total babe", Austin nodded.

"I'll take it off", I nodded, walking back into the dressing room and changing into my normal clothes.

I checked the price tag on the dress and was genuinely surprised.

I expected a dress like this to cost at least a hundred, but the price tag read otherwise:


Not bad, I thought to myself as I folded the dress and walked out.

Sarah and I went to the cash register and Austin rang us up.

"Thank you for helping us. You're a life saver", Sarah beamed grafefully.

"No problem. It's better than helping the stuck up chicks who don't understand what Flaming Homo means", Austin said, a look of disgust on his face.

I snorted, thinking about what the girls could have done to make him that disgusted.

"Anyways, if you guys ever need a dress, I'm here. My boyfriend Alan works at the hair salon downstairs if you need anything. Tell him Austin sent you", he grinned.

"Thank you", Sarah smiled.

"Congrats on finishing highschool", Austin said.

"Thanks", I gave him a small grin.

"See you guys around", he waved as we exited.

"He was nice", Sarah said.

"Yeah. Now can we go to guitar center?", I asked.

"Do you need shoes?", Sarah asked.

"No", I replied.

"Makeup?", she questioned.


"Perfume?", she asked.

"No. Can we please just go now?", I asked, desperate to leave already.

"Fine", Sarah said, her lips curving up a bit.

We walked out of he mall and back to her car, then we started the short drive to the nearest guitar center.

The whole car ride, Tony was on my mind.

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