Chapter 31: For Tony

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"Isn't this nice?", Sarah sighed in happines, leaning back into the chair in the salon while some woman worked on her nails.

"No", I grumbled.

So far, my poor eyebrows have been threaded, my face was soaked in this disgusting cream that was supposed to be good for it, and now my nails were next.

"How would you like them?", a cheery older woman asked me, reffering to my nails.

"I'd like them just the way they are, thanks", I said the last part sarcastically.

"You remind me of how I was when I was younger", the woman chuckled.

I rose an eyebrow at her. Maybe if I can distract her, she'll leave my poor nails alone.

"I was rebelious too. Snuck out, went to parties, got into trouble", she said, shaking her head, but keeping that cheery grin on her face.

"Yeah, that's nice and all...but I'm still not letting you anywhere near my nails", I replied.

"Why not?", she questioned.

I motioned to the whole section of pink nail Polish on display.

"That's why. There's no way in hell I'm tainting my nails with that poisonous colour", I said.

"It doesn't have to be pink, hun", the woman chuckled. I looked at her name tag: Leslie.

"Well, Leslie, I still don't want you to even look at my nails", I said, crossing my arms.

I know I was being stubborn, and childish, and acting stupid, but I was blackmailed into coming here.

Well, more like bribed.

But still.

"Do you have any hobbies?", Leslie asked.

I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Why is this inportant?", I asked.

"Nevermind that. Do you?", she asked.

"I draw", I shrugged.

"Do you like graffiti?", she asked.

"Yeah, it's cool", I replied.

Only it was more than cool.

Graffiti is life.

"How about I do graffiti on your nails?", Leslie asked.

I won't lie, that got me interested.

"Here, look at this", she said, grabbing a book with pictures of nail designs inside and flipping the pages.

She handed me the book and I scanned over the page. There were so many designs that were labeled as 'Street Art'.

One specifically caught my eye. Most of the pictures were bright and neon, yet this one had a dark backround with colours splattered on top.

"Which one are you looking at?", Leslie asked, grinning knowingly.

"This one", I pointed towards it.

"I'd be happy to do that one for you, if you like", Leslie said, already getting out her kit.

"Sure", I shrugged.

Leslie grinned and took out a bottle of black nail polish.

"You're gonna love it", she said.


About half an hour, ten jokes, three eye rolls and five dramatic groans later and we were done.

The Bad Girl And The Shy Boy: Tony PerryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora