Chapter 26: Star Wars Kisses

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After the arcade, Tony and I came back to my place to hang out even though it was a Tuesday.

He stayed for a while before he had to go home, leaving me to pass out in my bed.

Now it was Wednesday and I was getting ready for school.

I pulled on my shoes and tied them, then walked downstairs and headed into the kitchen.

"Hey", my Dad said, drinking some coffee next to Sarah.

"Morning", I mumbled, grabbing a water from the fridge and putting it inside my backpack.

"What are you doing later on?", Sarah asked.

I turned around and rose an eyebrow at her.

"Why?", I asked, suspiciously.

"Just wondering", she said, although the glint in her eyes said otherwise.

"I don't know", I replied, closing the fridge and slinging my backpack on.

"Invite your boyfriend over for dinner", she suggested, grinning.

"I don't think he's available", I lied.

"Alex", my Dad pleaded.

"Why?", I asked.

"So we can get to know him. Ask him if his mother can join us", Sarah chimed in.

"Fine", I muttered.

"Thanks! Bye!", Sarah called after me cheerily. I let out an annoyed sigh and walked through the door.

I reached the school not long after and went straight to Tonys locker, where he was already sifting through his backpack.

"Hey", I said, aproaching him.

"Hi", he said, greeting me with a kiss.

"I have a question", I said.

"Yeah?", he asked.

"This wasn't my idea. Not that I don't want you to come over or anything but my Dad and Sarah think it'd be a good idea if you and your mom came over for dinner", I said, awkwardly scratching my neck.

I don't know why I was being nervous, I already admitted I loved him and he said it back.

"Yeah. Sounds good, but my mom has night shift tonight. Is tomorrow okay?", he asked.

"I guess. I don't even know", I said, giving him a grin.

"Can you come over to my place after school?", he asked.

"Want me all to yourself I see", I teased.

His face turned red and he shook his head. "No I just like spending time with you".

"Alright. I'll see you later", I said, giving him a kiss on the lips as the bell rang.

I winked at him as I walked towards my first class.


After school I followed Tony to his house. We joked around and shamelessly flirted most of the way there.

He opened the door and closed it behind us.

"Where to?", I asked, looking around at the familiar surroundings.

"Uh, my room?", he suggested.

"Okay", I nodded, following him up the stairs and into his room.

"Let's watch a movie?", he asked.

I nodded and plopped down on his bed as he turned on the TV.

"I have star wars", he said, grinning.

"Okay", I laughed at how exited he was.

He put the dvd in and plopped down next to me after removing his shoes.

We watched like four episodes and once we started the fifth, it was getting dark.

Now what started as us innocently watching a movie together, ended in us making out heatedly while the movie played in the backround.

I don't know how, okay? One moment he was looking at me with a strong emotion and the next we were kissing.

But the point is, now things were getting heated. Probably the most heated make out session we've ever had.

His hands were on my waist and I was straddling him, kissing him hard.

Our mouths moved in sync and our tongues danced together.

The room was suddenly hot and I wanted to erase the space between us.

Tony must have thought the same thing because he pulled me even close to him, which seemed impossible.

It was then when I felt how 'turned on' he exactly was. I could feel him pressed into my inner thigh.

"Maybe we should stop", I said, reluctantly pulling away.

Tony caught his breath and nodded looking at me.

"Okay", he said, although he sounded disappointed.

"Hey, nows not the right time for that. Not yet. I want it to be special, as cheesy as that sounds", I told him, not caring if I sounded like some hopeless romantic.

"Me too", he agreed, giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

Then he looked down at himself, noticing the obvious bulge in his pants.

His face went beet red and he quickly covered himself up with a pillow, looking away from me.

"Hey, don't be embarrased", I said, bringing his lips to mine again.

"If anything, I'm glad I can make you feel like that", I winked.

Tony blushed and rolled his eyes, throwing a pillow at me.

The Bad Girl And The Shy Boy: Tony PerryWhere stories live. Discover now